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EU and the UK

EU and the UK

date:  28/04/2017

Special European Council on Article 50

The EU27 will adopt the guidelines for the Brexit negotiations at a special European Council (on Article 50) tomorrow (29 April). The guidelines will define the framework for negotiations and set out the overall EU positions and principles during those negotiations. The draft guidelines proposed by the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, were presented to the member states on 31 March.

On 27 April, the Council, in an EU27 format, finalised preparations for the Special European Council (Art.50) by discussing the draft guidelines for the Brexit negotiations. Following the meeting, Louis Grech, Deputy Prime Minister of Malta and President of the Council said "There was a clear consensus around the table on the main principles that should guide us in the talks with the UK. Unity is one of them. We agree it is in our own interest to negotiate as one for the best result for all: together we are stronger. We agree that we want the UK as a close partner, but in the context of a level-playing field and a balance between rights and obligations. And we agree that first things come first. So we need to start by preparing an orderly withdrawal and, as a matter of priority, guarantee the rights of citizens."

On 3 May, the European Commission will issue its proposals to the Council for negotiating directives for the first phase of the talks with the UK.

EC acts to improve nature protection

The European Commission has adopted a new action plan to improve the protection of nature and biodiversity in the EU, for the benefit of its citizens and the economy. The plan consists of 15 actions to be carried out by 2019 to rapidly improve the implementation of the Birds and Habitats Directives, which are the EU's flagship nature policies.

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Two British winners of 2017 EU prize for cultural heritage

Cromford Mills in Derbyshire and SAMPHIRE – a maritime heritage project in Western Scotland are among the 29 winners of the prestigious European Union prize for cultural heritage/Europa Nostra Awards.

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Sixteen UK SMEs to receive EU funding

Sixteen UK SMEs will each receive €50.000 (£43.090) of EU funding to finance feasibility studies for bringing new products on the market place. They can also ask for up to three days of free business coaching. The latest round of funding comes under Horizon 2020's SME Instrument, phase 1.

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