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EU and the UK

EU and the UK

date:  24/03/2017

Statement on the London attack

In a statement about the Westminster attack, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said: "My thoughts are with London. […] The United Kingdom will always remain a partner and a friend and one we will continue to work hand in hand with in the fight against terror. Together, Europeans will never cease to prove that love will always triumph over hate and that tolerance will always triumph over fear." Michel Barnier, the Commission's Chief negotiator for the Article 50 negotiations with the UK also expressed solidarity with the people of London. European Council President Donald Tusk tweeted "My thoughts are with the victims of the Westminster attack. Europe stands firm with the UK against terror and ready to help."

Commission's Chief negotiator for the Article 50 negotiations with the UK, Michel Barnier's speech

Michel Barnier, spoke to the Committee of the Regions on 22 March, where he outlined three necessary conditions for reaching an agreement with the UK:

  1. Unity of the remaining 27 EU member states;
  2. Removing uncertainty, especially  for EU citizens living in the UK, British  citizens living in the EU and regional and local authorities benefitting from EU programmes;
  3. Doing things in the right order.

He also explained that there will be no "exit bill", no punishment, and that Brits won't be asked to pay a single euro they have not agreed to as an EU member. He quoted Winston Churchill saying "the price of greatness is responsibility" and added "that is true for Britain and also for us". He warned of serious consequences in the event of no deal between the EU and the UK following the two years of negotiations. He agreed with Theresa May about "a bold and ambitious free trade agreement" and said the EU and the UK can be ambitious together. He made clear nevertheless that the best relationship with the EU is to be a member of it.

Full speech

EU funding for London-based business developing a portable food scanner

The London branch of Canadian company Tellspec will receive EU funding for developing a food scanner: an affordable and non-invasive mobile food sensor that enables users to measure and analyse their food intake in real-time.

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