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Green Deal: New proposals to make sustainable products the norm and boost Europe's resource independence
The Commission is presenting a package of European Green Deal proposals to make sustainable products the norm in the EU, boost circular business models and empower consumers for the green transition.

As announced in the Circular Economy Action Plan, the Commission is proposing new rules to make almost all physical goods on the EU market more friendly to the environment, circular, and energy efficient throughout their whole lifecycle from the design phase through to daily use, repurposing and end-of-life.

The Commission is also presenting today a new strategy to make textiles more durable, repairable, reusable and recyclable, to tackle fast fashion, textile waste and the destruction of unsold textiles, and ensure their production takes place in full respect of social rights.

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Stand Up For Ukraine: private sector can now donate in-kind support via new system

As part of the ‘Stand Up For Ukraine' campaign, the European Commission has created a new system to channel in-kind donations from the private sector to Ukraine, Moldova and neighbouring EU Member States, to help cater for the needs of internally displaced and refugees.

The EU will coordinate the delivery of large-scale in-kind donations of vital items such as medicines, vaccines, medical equipment, tents, beds and emergency blankets.

The deliveries will be carried out in cooperation with the Belgian civil protection authorities and via the rescEU strategic reserve of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.

These donations can help address the risk of epidemic and protect the most vulnerable, in particular children. The EU Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA) will support the EU Civil Protection Mechanism by securing childhood vaccines and other essential medical supplies through support from the pharma industry and ministries of health.

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Kampus Kotba - the eighth edition of the Campus Book Festival

The EC Representation in Malta participated in the Campus Book Festival 2022 at University Campus from 23-25 March in collaboration with the National Book Council, where they promoted relevant policies targeting University students under the umbrella of The European Year of Youth.

Organised in collaboration with local publishers, University of Malta Departments and student organisations, the programme featured book presentations, guided library tours, thematic discussions and interviews with the participation of local and international writers and researchers.

Kampus Kotba focused on two EU Prize for Literature winners with a number of events dedicated to Lara Calleja and the Festival’s international guest Jan Carson. The Irish author of a number of major prize winning titles including The Fire Starters and her latest novel, The Raptures will be speaking about her literary works with the Maltese writer Leanne Ellul. Earlier Carson participated in a book club session with students from the UM English Department led by Prof. James Corby to discuss her short story collection The Last Resort.

On Thursday Carson joined fellow Maltese EUPL winner Lara Calleja to exchange their thoughts about the opportunities afforded by the Prize as well as their books in a discussion moderated by Robert Pisani. This session was of particular interest to all those who wanted to know more about the EUPL thanks to the participation of Joseph Lia, Head of the Creative Europe Office in Malta. The participation of Jan Carson at the Festival is a collaboration between the NBC and Creative Europe Desk Malta. Lara Calleja discussed her 2021 National Book Prize winning book Kissirtu Kullimkien in a book club session with students from the UM Department of Maltese moderated by Justine Sommerville.

Kampus Kotba's final day was on Friday 25 March when it hosted an Open Mic evening organised in collaboration with Inizjamed and the participation of special guest Lara Calleja.

This year Kampus Kotba offered a wider book selection on sale thanks to the participation of a record number of established publishers and booksellers. Also thanks to the continued participation of Malta’s leading prize winning publishers, Kampus Kotba was an unmissable opportunity for students and the general public to catch up with the latest publications, while also attending a discussion of interest from the Festival’s programme.

The Festival exhibitors were Faraxa Publishing, Horizons, Kite Group, Merlin Publishers, Klabb Kotba Maltin / Midsea Books, Marvellous Malta, Malta University Press, Mallia & D’Amato Booksellers, Inizjamed, Għaqda tal-Malti Università, Malta Libraries, and Creative Europe Desk Malta.

The 2022 Campus Book Festival events programme was organised in collaboration with Għaqda tal-Malti Università, DESA (Department of English Students’ Association), HoASA (the History of Art and Fine Arts Students’ Association), SPS (Students’ Philosophical Society), Studenti Graffitti, Department of Philosophy, the Department of Maltese, the Department of English, the De- partment of Translation, Terminology and Interpreting Studies, and the Department of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Malta. For further information visit ktieb.org.mt.

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Commission presents fiscal policy guidance for 2023

The Commission has adopted a Communication providing Member States with guidance on the conduct of fiscal policy in 2023.

It sets out the key principles that will guide the Commission's assessment of Member States' stability and convergence programmes. It also provides an overview of the state of play on the economic governance review.

The Communication is presented in the context of Russia's unprovoked and unjustified invasion of Ukraine. In solidarity with Ukraine, the EU has approved an unprecedented package of economic sanctions that will have a severe impact on the Russian economy and political elite. The 2022 Winter Economic Forecast was published on 10 February, two weeks before the invasion of Ukraine. This development negatively impacts the growth outlook and tilts the risks further to the downside. It also further underscores the need for strong coordination of economic and fiscal policies, and for fiscal policies to be adapted in reaction to rapidly changing circumstances. The guidance will be adjusted to economic developments as needed.

Recovery and Resilience Facility
NextGenerationEU: First annual report on the Recovery and Resilience Facility finds implementation is well underway

The Commission has adopted its first annual report on the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), the centrepiece of NextGenerationEU.

The RRF is providing up to €723.8 billion (in current prices) of grants and loans to Member States to support transformative investments and reforms that will enable the EU to emerge stronger from the COVID-19 pandemic.

One year on from its introduction, the report takes stock of the progress made in the implementation of the Facility, from the adoption of the RRF Regulation in February 2021 to the disbursement of the first regular payment in December 2021. The report shows that major headway has been made and confirms that the implementation of the RRF is well underway. The report details numerous examples of the investments and reforms financed by the RRF in the 22 recovery and resilience plans that have been adopted so far. These examples present concrete measures that are contributing to the six policy pillars defined in the RRF Regulation, including the green transition and the digital transformation. The report therefore provides an important insight into the unprecedented scale and impact of the measures that are being implemented across the EU as a result of the RRF.

NextGenerationEU: Commission endorses positive preliminary assessment of Greece's request for €3.6 billion disbursement under Recovery and Resilience Facility

The Commission has endorsed a positive preliminary assessment of Greece's payment request for €3.6 billion, of which €1.7 billion in grants and nearly €1.9 billion in loans, under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), the key instrument at the heart of NextGenerationEU.

On 29 December 2021, Greece submitted to the Commission a payment request based on the achievement of the 15 milestones selected in the Council Implementing Decision for the first instalment. They cover reforms and investments in the areas of energy efficiency, electric mobility, waste management, labour market, taxation, business environment, healthcare, public transport, as well as Greece's audit and control system for the implementation of the RRF. With their request, the Greek authorities provided detailed and comprehensive evidence demonstrating the fulfilment of the 15 milestones. The Commission thoroughly assessed this information before presenting its positive preliminary assessment of the payment request.

NextGenerationEU: Commission endorses positive preliminary assessment of Italy's request for €21 billion disbursement under the Recovery and Resilience Facility

The European Commission has endorsed a positive preliminary assessment of Italy's payment request for €21 billion, of which €10 billion of grants and €11 billion of loans under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), the key instrument at the heart of NextGenerationEU.

On 30 December 2021, Italy submitted to the Commission a payment request based on the 51 milestones and targets selected in the Council Implementing Decision for the first instalment. They cover reforms in the areas of public administration, public procurement, justice, the spending review framework, tertiary education, active labour market policies and the framework law to strengthen the autonomy of people with disabilities, as well as Italy's audit and control system for the implementation of the RRF. They also concern major investments in the field of digitalisation of businesses (“Transition 4.0”), energy efficiency and renovation of residential buildings. With their request, the Italian authorities provided detailed and comprehensive evidence demonstrating the satisfactory fulfilment of the 51 milestones and targets. The Commission thoroughly assessed this information before presenting its positive preliminary assessment of the payment request.

Europe Direct Corner
My Europe, My Malta, My Future

European Studies students visit EU-funded projects in Malta

As part of a joint initiative undertaken by the European Commission Representation in Malta, Europe Direct Valletta and the Strategy & Implementation Division, Parliamentary Secretariat for EU Funds, students from six different secondary schools have been visiting different projects around Malta that have been partly financed by the European Union.

The secondary schools taking part in this initiative are: St Thomas More College Santa Luċija, St Clare College Pembroke, St Nicholas College Dingli, St Benedict College Kirkop, Marija Reġina College Mosta, and St Margaret College Cospicua.

The EU funded projects that the students have been invited to visit are of varied nature and showcase the diverse areas in which the European Union seeks to invest in and support. The three projects selected are:

  • SintegraM project – a €7 million project that uses hi-tech mapping equipment to produce a complete 3D picture of the nation’s geography and infrastructure with the aim of making information for town planning easily accessible to all.
  • Regeneration of Wied Fulija by WasteServ to rehabilitate this landfill with an investment of €4.5million where 43,000 trees and shrubs were planted to restore this area to its natural habitat.
  • The Conservation Division of Heritage Malta is entrusted with the overall responsibility of providing conservation-restoration services to the several museums and sites found in Malta and Gozo. Such projects are made possible through EU-funds for the preservation and revival of cultural and historical heritage.

During these visits, students are encouraged to take part in a competition leading up to Europe Day on May 9. This is an art competition where students are invited to come up with an artistic expression on the impact of EU funds in Malta.

The best eight submissions will then be displayed at an event that will be held on Europe Day in front of the national parliament building in Valletta. The exhibition will then be displayed on different dates at each of the participating schools.

Webinar – Careers in the Digital Sector

On Wednesday 23 March 2022, EUROPE DIRECT Gozo, organised its first webinar for 2022 on ‘Careers in the Digital Sector’.

The European Commission is putting significant emphasis on ‘digital skills’ given that digitalisation is one of the pillars of the Green Deal.

This webinar discussed with two professionals in the field, Anthony Callus (Manager Training for Industry at MCAST) and Ing. Ruben Curmi (Entrepreneur, visiting lecturer at the University of Malta, and Chairperson of the National Accreditation Board). Anthony Callus provided an overview about the courses which are offered at MCAST on the area of digitalization. On the other hand, Ing. Ruben Curmi provided an overview on the area of Building Management Solutions.

This webinar was principally targeted for students at post-secondary level. However, this activity was also opened to businesses as well. You can watch this webinar here.

Europe Direct Valletta hosts Network of Networks meeting

On March 24, Europe Direct Valletta brought together EU-related national contact points and information providers in Malta, to coordinate the preparations for Europe Day, which will be taking place on May 9.

Participants hailed from the following entities: Servizzi Ewropej f’Malta, Europe Direct Valletta, EU Careers, European Parliament Liaison Office in Malta, European Commission Representation, European Union Agency for Asylum, European Employment Services, Malta Council for Science and Technology, EU Programmes Agency, Strategy & Implementation Division – OPM, Malta SOLVIT Centre, European Consumers Centre, Entitlement Unit – Ministry for Health, URBACT, Euroguidance Malta & Lifelong Learning, Ministry for Education.

This was the first Network of Networks meeting of this year, bringing together EU information providers and national contact points to strengthen collaboration in the provision of several different EU related services to EU citizens in Malta.

This is the Newsletter of the Representation of the European Commission in Malta.

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