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Tuesday 4 and Wednesday 5 October: Brussels Conference on Afghanistan, Brussels

On 5 October, the European Union and the government of Afghanistan will co-host the Brussels Conference on Afghanistan. This conference will gather up to 70 countries and 30 international organizations and agencies. It will provide a platform for the government of Afghanistan to set out its vision and track record on reform. For the international community, it will be the opportunity to signal sustained political and financial support to Afghan peace, state-building and development. Donald Tusk, President of the European Council, High Representative Federica Mogherini and Neven Mimica, European Commissioner for Development Cooperation, will represent the European Union.

EU 27 agree way forward in Bratislava

Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker took part in the informal meeting of the EU 27 Heads of State or Government in Bratislava last Friday (16 Sept). The meeting agreed a Declaration and Road Map, which set out clear priorities for action over the next 12 months. Speaking alongside Slovak Prime Minister, Robert Fico, and European Council President, Donald Tusk, following the meeting, President Juncker welcomed the firm backing that EU leaders have given to the new initiatives he announced in last week's State of the Union speech, in particular, the unanimous support for the measures on the EU's Digital Single Market. These measures would contribute to Europe's "modernisation, economic growth and creation of new jobs", said the President. EU leaders also endorsed the Commission's proposals to expand the Investment Plan for Europe.

Ireland's latest post-programme surveillance report

"Ireland's economic adjustment has been remarkable and the challenge for the future will be to achieve continued balanced growth in the face of emerging risks." The Commission's experts say that the results point to very limited risk to the capacity to repay the EFSM and EFSF loans over the medium term. The data for the latest (and fifth) post-programme surveillance report for Ireland was collected last June.

BT Young Scientist winners take third prize in EU Contest for Young Scientists

The winners of Ireland's BT Young Scientist 2016, Diana Bura and Mari Louise Fufezan, have taken 3rd prize in the EU Contest for Young Scientists. Their project looked at the effects of enzymes used in animal feed additives on soil. Overall, 45 young scientists from across Europe won prizes this week for their outstanding science projects. EU Research Commissioner Carlos Moedas said: "This year's winners were picked in a tough competition involving 138 young researchers ... It is reassuring to see that Europe has so many bright young minds, and I hope to see many of them in a few years' time as part of the next generation of top scientists."

Julian King appointed new EU Commissioner for Security Union

The European Council has, by common accord with President Jean-Claude Juncker, appointed Julian King as the new EU Commissioner for Security Union. The appointment applies for the remainder of the current term of office of the Commission which ends on 31 October 2019. Julian King is a British national and has been UK ambassador to France since January 2016. He replaces Jonathan Hill who resigned on 25 June 2016.

Public consultation on the Zoos Directive

The Commission has launched a public consultation as part of the REFIT evaluation of the Zoos Directive (Council Directive 1999/22/EC relating to the keeping of wild animals in zoos). The REFIT evaluation looks at whether the Directive is proportionate and fit for purpose, and is delivering as expected. The consultation is open until 8 December 2016.

EU copyright rules needed

The Commission has set out proposals on the modernisation of copyright to increase cultural diversity in Europe and content available online, while bringing clearer rules for all online players. The copyright proposals have three main priorities: Better choice and access to content online and across borders; Better choice and access to content online and across borders; and, A fairer and sustainable marketplace for creators and press. Andrus Ansip, Vice-President for the Digital Single Market, said: "Our proposal will ensure that more content will be available, transforming Europe’s copyright rules in light of a new digital reality. Europe's creative content should not be locked-up, but it should also be highly protected, in particular to improve the remuneration possibilities for our creators."

Fair Taxation: First common EU list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions being prepared

The European Commission is working on the first common EU list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions. Pierre Moscovici, Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs said: "The EU takes its international tax good governance commitments seriously. It is reasonable for us to expect the same from our international partners. We want to have fair and open discussions with our partners on tax issues that concern us all in the global community. The EU list will be our tool to deal with third countries that refuse to play fair."

My region in figures - Eurostat Regional yearbook 2016

Did you know that population density in Ireland's South and East Region was 93 inhabitants per km2 compared to a high of 10,780 in the Inner London-East region? Or that the population of Ireland's Border Midland and West is expected to rise by over 10% between now and 2050 compared to 6.2% for the South and East? Or that Ireland's South and East Region had the highest number of cattle (4.3 million in 2013) of all the EU regions? The Eurostat regional yearbook 2016 contains chapters on regional policies and Europe 2020, population, health, education, labour market, gross domestic product, structural business statistics, research and innovation, information society, tourism, transport and agriculture. It also includes two special focus chapters: commuting patterns between regions and regional population projections.

State of the Union Address 2016: Towards a Europe that protects, empowers and defends

"The next 12 months are decisive if we want to reunite our Union." So said Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker yesterday in his 2016 State of the Union address to the European Parliament. "Europe is a cord of many strands – it only works when we are all pulling in the same direction ... And we have to show again that this is possible, in a selected number of areas where common solutions are most urgent." Among those he mentioned: Europe must invest strongly in its youth, jobseekers, and start-ups; An ambitious Investment Plan for Africa – a lifeline for those who might risk dangerous journeys for a better life; Free wireless for every European village and city by 2020; Journalists, publishers and authors should be paid fairly for their work, wherever it's made and shared; A new European Border and Coast Guard to defend our borders. This speech is the Commission's contribution to the informal meeting of the 27 Heads of State or Government in Bratislava

Informal meeting of leaders from 27 EU Member States takes place in Bratislava

On 16 September, the heads of state or government of the 27 will meet in Bratislava. Since mid-August, President Tusk has been consulting EU leaders ahead of the Bratislava summit, including a meeting last week with An Taoiseach Enda Kenny. "Based on my consultations so far, I have no doubt that the three main challenges are uncontrolled irregular migration, terrorism, and the fears of globalisation," said President Tusk. "My ambition is that in Bratislava we can agree on the main priorities and what we need to do about them in the next few months."

E-commerce continues to grow

The European Commission has just published the preliminary report on its e-commerce sector inquiry. The Report confirms the growing significance of e-commerce and identifies certain business practices that may limit more intense online competition. The publication of this Preliminary Report is intended to kick off an exchange of views with stakeholders.

Europe Direct Soapbox Competition 2016

The Europe Direct Soapbox Competition 2016 has now been launched on the topic ‘The EU: United in Diversity’. Each of Ireland's 8 Europe Direct Centres will host a regional soapbox event. The winners of the regional events will go on to compete in the all-Ireland final in The National Concert Hall, Dublin for a first prize of €1,000 and a trip to Brussels in each of two categories (18 and under, and, 19 and over).

Tuesday 27 September: 3rd Atlantic Stakeholder Conference - Promoting Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Atlantic Area, Dublin

The 3rd annual Atlantic Stakeholder Conference, which takes place in Dublin, is the central hub for stakeholders of the Atlantic Strategy to make valuable contacts and explore areas for cooperation, share information and good practices, promote and identify interesting project ideas as well as funding opportunities and partnerships for their projects. Speakers include Karmenu Vella, EU Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

New Task Force for Negotiations with the United Kingdom

Michel Barnier is to lead a new task force for the preparation and conduct of the negotiations with the United Kingdom under Article 50 of the TEU ("Article 50 Task Force"). Mr Barnier was appointed as Chief Negotiator for the Commission in July. The Task Force will coordinate the Commission's work on all strategic, operational, legal and financial issues related to these negotiations. It will be able to draw on policy support from all Commission services.

Surveillance technology monitors animal wellbeing

Teagasc, the Agriculture and Food Development Authority, is participating in an EU-funded research project that's looking at surveillance technology to monitor animal well-being. Researchers have set up cameras, sensors and microphones at some 20 experimental smart farms all over Europe to track animal movements. The aim of the project is to find ways to increase animal wellbeing as well as farm productivity.