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Teachers in Ireland predominately women and aged under 50

New Eurostat figures published to mark World Teachers Day earlier this week show that almost 9 in 10 (86.9%) primary school teachers in Ireland are women. This is a little above the EU average of 84.7% but below countries like Lithuania, Hungary and Slovenia (all 97%) and Italy (96%). The situation was least imbalanced in Denmark (69%). Women accounted for 71% of teachers at secondary level in Ireland, well above the EU average of 64%. The situation is most balanced in the Netherlands (51%), Luxembourg (53%), Denmark (56%) and Spain 57%) and least balanced in Latvia (83%), Lithuania (82%) Bulgaria (79%). Irish teachers also tend to be younger than the EU average with only 22.4% of primary school teachers aged 50 or over (EU average 32.4%) in 2014 and 29% of secondary teachers (EU average 38.1%).

Paris Climate Agreement to enter into force as EU agrees ratification

The Paris Climate Change Agreement takes effect this week, following the EU's final ratification. The Agreement needed to have the signatures of at least 55 parties, representing at least 55% of global emissions in order to enter into force. The EU's ratification gets the deal over this threshold. Speaking after the ratification vote in the European parliament, Commissioner for Climate Action Miguel Arias Cañete said: "Our collective task is to turn our commitments into action on the ground. And here Europe is ahead of the curve. ... The world is moving and Europe is leading, confident and proud of our work to tackle climate change".

Youth Employment: Progress report on EU's Youth Guarantee

Ireland was one of the Member States to benefit from access to a €6.4 billion fund which accompanied the EU's "Youth Guarantee" measure when it was brought in in 2013. Reporting back on the three-year-old scheme and the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) funding which accompanied it, the Commission this week said that EU youth unemployment is down by 1.4 million young people and that 900,000 fewer young people are not in employment, education or training (NEETs). Under the scheme, Member States promised that no young person would remain unemployed for more than four months without a good-quality offer of a job, training or apprenticeship. Extra financial support went to countries, including IRELAND, where youth unemployment was over 25%.

EIB to open first Dublin office before year end

The European Investment Bank expects to open its first permanent presence in Ireland later this year. The plans were confirmed by Andrew McDowell, the new European Investment Bank Vice President responsible for Ireland during his first working visit to Dublin since assuming office earlier this month.

Tipperary man appointed Head of EU Commission Representation in Dublin

Killenaule man Gerry Kiely took up office as the new Head of the European Commission's Representation in Ireland on 1 October 2016. Speaking in Dublin earlier this week, Gerry Kiely said: "I'm delighted to be appointed to this post after many years working for the Commission in Brussels. Keeping Ireland in touch with Brussels and making sure Brussels understands what is happening on the ground here is a highly motivating task, and I look forward to the challenge."

Ministers approve EU ratification of Paris Agreement

In a historic move, EU ministers today approved the ratification of the Paris Agreement by the European Union. The decision was reached at an extraordinary meeting of the Environment Council in Brussels. This decision brings the Paris Agreement very close to entering into force. Once approved by the European Parliament next week, the EU will be able to deposit its ratification instrument before national ratification processes are completed in each Member State. President Jean-Claude Juncker said: "I am happy to see that today the Member States decided to make history together and bring closer the entry into force of the first ever universally binding climate change agreement. We must and we can hand over to future generations a world that is more stable, a healthier planet, fairer societies and more prosperous economies. This is not a dream. This is a reality and it is within our reach. Today we are closer to it."

Sharp fall in migrant numbers crossing to Greece

A Commission report on the implementation of the EU-Turkey Statement of 18 March 2016 shows a sharp and continued fall in the numbers of people crossing the Aegean Sea, from a daily average of 1,700 people before implementation of the Statement to a new average of 85. EU countries have also increased their efforts on resettlement – offering legal and safe pathways to 10,695 people so far of the agreed 22,504 under the July 2015 scheme. Ireland has now settled 439 refugees under the Scheme. Commission First Vice-President Frans Timmermans said: "The implementation of the EU-Turkey Statement has continued, and the reduction in attempts to cross the Aegean and in deaths at sea has confirmed its core rationale. I also welcome the efforts of Member States to increase relocation and resettlement. However, those who can do more should do so urgently. We can only effectively manage asylum and migration in Europe, if we all work together in a spirit of solidarity and responsibility."

Commission urges Ireland to improve the collection and treatment of waste water: Reasoned Opinion issued

The European Commission is calling on Ireland to ensure that urban waste water is adequately treated in 38 agglomerations around the country. Under EU law (Council Directive 91/271/EEC), towns and cities are required to collect and treat their urban waste water, as untreated waste water can put human health at risk and pollute lakes, rivers, soil and coastal and groundwater. The 38 agglomerations in breach of these requirements are: Arklow, Athlone, Ballybofey/Stranorlar, Ballincollig New, Carringtwohill, Castlecomer, Cavan, Clifden, Clonakilty, Cobh, Cork City, Dundalk, Enfield, Enniscorthy, Fermoy, Gaoth Dobhair, Killarney, Killybegs, Longford, Mallow, Midleton, Monksland, Navan, Nenagh, Oberstown, Passage/Monktown, Portarlington, Rathcormac, Ringaskiddy, Ringsend, Roscommon Town, Roscrea, Shannon Town, Thurles, Tralee, Tubbercurry, Youghal and Waterford City.

Eurostat treatment of Public Private Partnerships

The European Commission and European Investment Bank have published a new Guide to the Statistical Treatment of Public Private Partnerships. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) are expected to play an important role in getting Europe’s investment in infrastructure back on track. While the Guide does not change the rules used by Eurostat in classifying PPPs, it analyses the most common features of current PPP contracts in the light of these rules and gives a clear overview of their potential impact on government finances. The guide will help Member States and other PPP stakeholders to better understand the impact that the features of PPP contracts have on government balance sheets and will assist public authorities in taking well-informed decisions when preparing and procuring their PPPs.

Lowest share of over 80s in Ireland

Ireland and Slovakia (both 3.1%) have the lowest shares of over 80 year olds in their populations while Italy (6.5%) and Greece (6.3%) have the highest, according to new figures released by Eurostat to mark International Day of Older Persons. However this figure is on the rise in almost all EU countries (in Ireland it was up from 2.6% in 2005). For most EU countries, including Ireland, women accounted for at least 60% of over 80 year olds. Life expectancy for the over 80s is also improving all over the EU with people aged over 80 in France now having an average life expectancy of 11 years. In Ireland it is up to 9.1 years (9.8 years for women and 8.2 years for men), which is a little below the EU average of 9.5 years. It was lowest in Bulgaria (7.0 years), Romania (7.6 years), Croatia (7.7 years).

State of the Union 2016: Strengthening European Investments for jobs and growth

On the occasion of President Juncker's 2016 State of the Union address, the Commission set out how its plans to further boost investment to support jobs and sustainable growth, by extending its successful European Fund for Strategic Investments,and setting up a new European External Investment Plan to encourage investment in Africa and the EU Neighbourhood.

Commission reports on progress made under the European Agenda on Migration

On Wednesday 28 September, the Commission reported on the progress made on the EU's relocation and resettlement schemes and the implementation of the EU-Turkey Statement. At the same time, it outlined the steps still needed to be taken by Greece in view of a future resumption of Dublin transfers from other Member States while also reporting on the temporary border controls carried out at internal Schengen borders under the Council recommendation of 12 May 2016.

State of the Union address 2016

On 14 September 2016, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker delivered his 2016 State of the Union address before the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

Training session for Malta's EU info-providers

The European Commission Representation organised its annual training for EU information providers on 23 September 2016. All entities involved in providing EU related information in Malta and Gozo have been invited to attend this training and the event was well attended.

United in Diversity: Skolasajf Drawing Exhibition

Between Monday 5 and Wednesday 14 September 2016, a drawing exhibition took place at the Maltese Parliament. The exhibition, co-organised by the EC Representation, MEUSAC and the Foundation for Educational Services, showcased artworks by Primary School children who attended the summer school project Skolasajf. Their works reflected on the theme "United in Diversity", showing how children experience diversity and integration.

Climate Diplomacy Week – Image Competition for Schoolchildren

H.E. Dolores Cristina, Acting President, presided over the award-giving ceremony of the Image Competition for Schoolchildren on the occasion of Climate Diplomacy Week. The ceremony took place at Dar l-Ewropa on Tuesday 13 September 2016 in the presence of the participating students and their parents.