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Managing migration: new initiatives to strengthen European integrated border management and expedite returns

The Commission adopted a Communication which presents the strategic framework for European integrated border management (EIBM) for 5 years and a Recommendation to Member States on the mutual recognition of return decisions and expedite returns. In its extraordinary meeting on 9 February 2023, the European Council reiterated the importance of ensuring effective control of the EU's external land and sea borders as part of a comprehensive approach to migration.

date:  31/03/2023

Ahead of the next European Council meeting that will take stock on the situation, the Commission delivers through these initiatives on some of the key actions set out in President von der Leyen's letter and in the European Council Conclusions of 9 February.

Effective European integrated border management

With this Communication, the Commission sets out the first-ever multiannual strategic policy cycle on European integrated border management for the next 5 years.

This is the result of an extensive consultation process between institutions, leading to a shared vision on external border management. It provides a coordinated framework for national authorities managing the border, as well as for over 120,000 officers of national border authorities and Frontex, steering their daily work.