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Main news from Brussels this week

Main news from Brussels this week

date:  08/12/2017

Commission sets out roadmap for deepening Europe's Economic and Monetary Union

On 6 December, the European Commission set out a roadmap for deepening the Economic and Monetary Union, including steps to be taken over the next 18 months. Four initiatives were also presented as part of this package. The overall aim is to enhance the unity, efficiency and democratic accountability of Europe's Economic and Monetary Union by 2025.

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EU Trust Fund for Africa: new programmes to reinforce protection of migrants and fight smugglers and traffickers

Three new programmes worth €29.6 million have been adopted under the EU Trust Fund for Africa as part of EU work in addressing migration challenges in the Mediterranean. Priorities for 2018 have also been agreed. These new programmes will step up the EU's work to strengthen protection of migrants, support sustainable reintegration and provide assisted voluntary returns. The programmes will also help fight criminal networks across the region.

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European Commission sets out way forward for migration management

Ahead of the EU leaders' thematic debate on migration to be held on 14 December, the Commission proposed a political roadmap towards a comprehensive agreement by June 2018 on a sustainable migration policy.

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Fair taxation: EU publishes list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions

The first ever EU list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions was agreed on 5 December by the Finance Ministers of EU member states during their meeting in Brussels. In total, ministers have listed 17 countries for failing to meet agreed tax good governance standards. In addition, 47 countries have committed to addressing deficiencies in their tax systems and to meet the required criteria, following contacts with the EU.

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All this week's key European Commission announcements can be found here