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Main news from Brussels this week

Main news from Brussels this week

date:  31/03/2017

President Juncker's speech at the 2017 EPP Congress in Malta: "The time has come for convinced Europeans to stand up for Europe"

President Juncker delivered on 30 March a speech at the 2017 EPP Congress in Malta focusing on the European Union's achievements in the last 60 years and looking ahead towards its future: "We have had peace for 60 years, a peace which is not relative but comprehensive." Following the triggering of Article 50 by the United Kingdom, President Juncker highlighted the need to look forward: "Brexit is not the end of everything (…) we have to make it the beginning of something that will be new, stronger and better". The European Union project must now continue with "the completion of the internal market, with the deepening of the European Economic and Monetary Union […] We must also continue in the social matters", President Juncker stated.

Watch the speech here

President Juncker: The European Union as a concept, as a construction, as a history is a guarantee against war and a guarantee for peace

President Jean-Claude Juncker participated on 29 March in a Citizens' Dialogue (town hall meeting) in Malta, together with Prime Minister of Malta, Joseph Muscat, as well as Commissioner Karmenu Vella. He answered questions from participants on a wide range of issues including the foreign policy of the Union, to agriculture, the Juncker Investment Plan and the fight against terrorism. Discussing with participants the opportunities the EU offers and how the Union should develop in the years to come, the President underlined that "we have to show that we are able to deliver". President Juncker reiterated the Commission's commitment to the Paris climate deal, underlining that Europe remains proud to be a world leader in the fight against climate change, whilst others step away from their commitments. Asked about what the EU can do to make its citizens feel safe, President Juncker replied "I do think that the European Union as a concept, as a construction, as a history is a guarantee against war and a guarantee for peace". Speaking of the opening of the Brexit negotiations, President Juncker declared that citizens must come first: "It is citizens first – those Europeans living in the UK and the British people living in other countries of the European Union". The Citizens' Dialogue also covered the upcoming proposal on the European Pillar of Social Rights, which the European Commission is set to present in April.

Watch the dialogue here.

Commission gives a boost to youth mobility in Europe

The European Commission presented on 27 March an initiative under the Erasmus+ programme which further supports learning and mobility of young Europeans. Called "Move2Learn, Learn2Move", it will enable at least 5,000 young citizens to travel to another EU country in a sustainable manner – individually or together with their school class. The one-off initiative, which is linked to the 30th anniversary of the Erasmus programme, is consistent with two central priorities of the Commission: to put a renewed focus on Europe's youth, and to facilitate EU citizens' mobility, particularly low emission mobility. Move2Learn, Learn2Move builds on an idea put forward by the European Parliament in 2016. It will be implemented through eTwinning, the world’s biggest teachers’ network. Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, Tibor Navracsics, said: "Building on the success of eTwinning, this initiative will enable young people to discover and experience first-hand different countries and cultures across Europe. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Erasmus, this will be another example of this EU success story bringing people together, helping them to develop a feeling of what it means to be European.“ Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc said: "Transport is not about tracks, ships or motorways; it is about people. We want to give young Europeans the chance to discover Europe. We also want to encourage them to travel in an environmentally friendly way, which is why CO2 emissions will be taken into account. I am also happy that we can count on the active participation of transport operators to help strengthen the initiative.".

More information

All this week's key European Commission announcements can be found here