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Register for the second info day on the Public Sector Loan Facility!

  • 20 January 2023
Register for the second info day on the Public Sector Loan Facility!

On 9 February 2023, the Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) in collaboration with the Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy of the European Commission (DG REGIO) and the European Investment Bank (EIB) will organise the second Info Day of the public sector loan facility of the Just Transition Mechanism.

The Info Day will outline the main features of the facility and will explain in further detail how to receive the available financing. It will also build on the lessons learnt from the first proposals received under the facility and provide best practices and tips on preparing a successful proposal. The Info Day will be interactive and participants will be invited to contribute and ask questions via (#JTMPSLF2023). Please book your seat here! Registrations are possible until 8 February 2023.

The Public Sector Loan Facility is one of the three pillars of the JTM, which is part of the European Green Deal to achieve EU climate neutrality by 2050. The facility will provide support for public sector entities projects. To be eligible, projects must be located in, or benefit, territories that Member States have identified in their Territorial Just Transition Plans as facing the biggest challenges to move away from fossil fuels and carbon-intensive industries.

Any public sector entity wishing to finance a project located in or benefitting a just transition territory may submit a proposal through the call for proposals published on 19 July 2022. For more detailed information about the call for proposals, please visit the call page or watch the recording of the first Info Day.