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Upcoming MSCA RISE Call - Support for Dissemination

date:  29/11/2018

The latest Research and Innovation Framework Programme: Horizon Europe

In preparation for the upcoming Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange Call (MSCA RISE), opening on December 4th, the Research Executive Agency (REA) has prepared a video to promote this action.

The video illustrates how Research and Innovation specialists from the academic and industrial sector can benefit from worldwide cooperation across disciplines and sectors. All types of organisations from all research areas are encouraged to apply for RISE: universities, research centres, corporations, SMEs, professional associations, etc.

We need your help to disseminate the video within your networks. Therefore, we would appreciate it if you could share it with multiplier organisations.

The Call will remain open until 2 April, 2019. Check the Funding and Tenders Portal for details.

We count on your support to attract new applicants to the MSCA RISE programme!