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REA News Alert - Call for Survey Participation for new Space Research Portal

date:  20/11/2017


Your needs, opinions and feedback matter!

A new dedicated web portal for European space research in Europe will soon be launched. Participate in the project's survey by 24 November 2017 and your answers will help shape this new scientific resource.

The interactive and user-driven platform will mean a single point of entry about European space research projects and related activities not only for professionals in the field, but also for all interested citizens, journalists and educators. The portal will also encourage greater collaboration and partnerships. Additionally, it will analyse findings, commercialise results and generate interest in space exploration and science among the space enthusiasts.

The platform is a Coordination and Support Action of Horizon 2020. Following a rigorous assessment process, the HATCH consortium was selected and tasked with implementing the project.

The HATCH project was launched on 1st November 2017, and is expected to last 20 months.


How can you get involved?

On behalf of the HATCH team, you are invited to take part in the project’s survey, which will help the team to identify user needs.

You can fill in the survey here: Survey for citizens; Survey for professionals.  
If you experience a long survey loading, please refresh the survey page.

The deadline for participating is 24 November 2017.

Many thanks in advance for your participation.