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Call for video submissions from all EU-funded Research and Innovation projects

date:  15/11/2017

Call for video submissions from all EU-funded Research and Innovation projects

Showcase your project!

Research and Innovation (R&I) projects supported by the EU through Horizon 2020 and previous framework programmes are having a real impact on the life of Europe's citizens and our society as a whole. The projects often have compelling stories to tell. But reaching out to a large non-specialist audience is not always that easy. So the DG Research and Innovation (RTD) team are opening a communication channel based on their network of social media followers to complement your own outreach activities.

RTD aims to build up a new portfolio of project videos that clearly showcase the impact of EU funded research and innovation on our daily lives.



A maximum three-minute video explaining the impact your research could potentially have, or already has, on society. Please use very simple language for a general audience.

You could ask yourself the following questions when considering the content of your video.

  • Why this research (background/scene setter/outline existing societal challenge)?
  • How could the results affect/improve/impact citizens’ everyday lives?

Your project video must have been uploaded to YouTube after 1 October 2017 – any videos uploaded before this date will be excluded from this particular campaign.



Simple – just upload your NEW video on YouTube using as a Title the Project Acronym + description, (e.g. BINGO, Bringing INnovation to onGOing water management) and provide a short description of the theme/content and also acknowledge EU funding*

Send an email to RTD to let them know it's there!

Please include in the text of your email:

  • a link to your video on YouTube
  • the Project Acronym
  • a short title/description of the theme, content
  • the Project ID e.g. Project ID: 123456

*You can find additional support and information on how best to communicate your projects on the webpage ‘The EU guide to communication’. There are links to short videos about science communication in general, and specific tips on how to get the media on board.



Upload your videos anytime from now onwards!


What happens next?

Your video will be added to the EU-funded R&I projects YouTube Playlist and promoted via social media channels (@EUScienceInnov - Twitter, Facebook, YouTube). Your video could also be shown at events, giving your work even more exposure.

Free travel and accommodation to attend the next ESOF conference in Toulouse in July 2018 will be offered to the Project Coordinator whose newly created video receives the most 'likes' from the YouTube Playlist by 5pm on Friday 30 March 2018.

Further information on how to participate is available here.

*DG Research and Innovation Communications Team reserve the right to decide which videos to publish/remove from this EU-funded R&I projects playlist.