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Introducing MiPS+

A new user-friendly experience is coming for missions management. Watch the video now to see the new look-and-feel.

date:  29/06/2023

Designed to make mission management easier, the new application MiPS +  will gradually replace the current one – MiPS.  The sooner you get to know  and master MiPS +, the easier everything you do on your professional travel will be. Start using the new application as soon as possible so that your transition to it is smooth and you can navigate through all its features with ease when it becomes your one and only mission management tool. 

When do you need to start using MiPS +?

From 1 July, it will be possible to enter missions combined with leaves only in MiPS +, so the sooner you start, the better.

Until the planned switch-off of the current MiPS in September, both applications will run in parallel so that you can choose which one to use. You will be able to seamlessly switch between them and pick up where you have left off while keeping at place all the data you have already entered.

After this transition period, MiPS + will remain the only tool for mission management.

Why are we switching to MiPS +?

MiPS has been in use for 15 years now, constantly evolving alongside the needs of its users and undergoing countless improvements. The technology on which it is built has become obsolete in the meantime. MiPS is now approaching its limits and requires a move to a reliable, modern alternative.

More performant and versatile, MIPS + comes to meet this need. The new technology behind it alone offers more speed and flexibility, as well as stronger protection of your data.

What are the other benefits of MIPS +?

1.A simplified navigation makes it easier to go through the various actions and steps when entering or approving a mission, as well as when claiming expenses.

Example: You can now enter an email as a supporting document, and simply drag and drop your documents into the appropriate field.

2A clearer overview of all your mission information, including workflows, budget, expenses, and carbon footprint allows easier status tracking and follow-up. Improved filtering saves you time and effort when searching through missions, expenses, and supporting documents.

Example: Clear graphs and charts now give you an instant overview of the mission's cost structure, also making reporting easier.

3. No more unpleasant financial surprises when you combine a mission with a leave without having enough clarity about reimbursable expenses.

Example: MiPS + solves these issues by clearly distinguishing different expenses in a single mission order. Already at the initial stage you will be able to see an automatic calculation of the corresponding expenses and reimbursements.

4. Remains at your disposal 24/7, wherever you are, thanks to responsive design built on user experience and feedbacks.

Example: You can perform all mission-related actions from a smartphone or a tablet – MiPS + will adapt to the size and orientation of your mobile device.

5. Can help reduce CO2 emissions if used from a mobile device. Using a tablet alone reduces the carbon footprint by nearly four times, whereas using a mobile phone can reduce it by 80 times.

Example: You can go even further by combining the mobile use of MiPS + with the PMO Mobile web application. It allows you to skip scanning, saving, and attaching supporting documents. Instead, you can just take a picture with your mobile device through the PMO Mobile built-in feature for adding supporting documents. Constantly evolving, the application will soon include new missions' features allowing validation of missions, adding miscellaneous expenses and links to meetings, among others.

Check out the how MiPS + works: