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The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Regional Platform on Water took place in Lisbon

In Lisbon, on 5-6 June, participants from the whole Mediterranean region gathered on the occasion of the UfM Regional Platform on Water, hosted by the Portuguese Ministry of Environment.

Contact Frederic FOURTUNE

UfM conference in Nicosia renews push for gender equality in Euro-Mediterranean region

120 public officials and private sector, institutional, and civil society representatives as well as journalists convened for a two-day Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and Office of the Commissioner for Gender Equality of Cyprus event to assess the economic empowerment of women, gender-just responses to the climate crisis, violence against women and girls, and gender inequality in the media across the Euro-Mediterranean region.

See also More information here
Contact Anne-France WITTMANN

Featured project

104 municipalities across Jordan joined a three-day workshop on local climate action

Municipalities are essential in implementing climate action in the Southern Neighbourhood. To build their capacities in addressing climate risks, they gathered for a three-day workshop in Jordan in the framework of the Clima-Med regional programme.

See also More information here
Contact Cristina CASELLA

Workshop on climate resilience for Palestinian cities highlights their commitment and resilience

In spite of the dire security situation and the many difficulties faced by Palestinian municipalities, their commitment to climate action remains as they gathered for a Clima-Med workshop in Amman.

See also Read more here
Contact Cristina CASELLA

Euromed Police conference for the Heads of Law Enforcement training institutes

In the framework of Euromed Police, CEPOL organised the Heads of Law Enforcement Training Institutes Conference on 3-4 June in Lisbon. The conference aimed to draw attention to the importance of enhancing the skills and resources of law enforcement officials in order to address evolving security threats. The conference focused on the innovative solutions that greater public-private partnerships can offer and on the opportunities and challenges of Artificial Intelligence in law enforcement.

Contact Morgane BUTTIENS

New EuroMeSCo survey fosters reflection on the future of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP)

More than three years after the launch of the New Agenda for the Mediterranean, the IEMed, in the framework of the project EuroMeSCo: Connecting the Dots, delivered a survey of experts in the Euro-Mediterranean region to contribute to the reflections related to the future of the ENP. Results are out!

See also Watch the video summary of the survey's ...
Contact Justine BELAID

EuroMeSCo publishes Policy Briefs by Young Researchers

In the framework of the Young Researchers Lab of the project EuroMeSCo: Connecting the Dots, a series of policy briefs written by young researchers on the topics of climate change and energy has been published.

Contact Justine BELAID

Open Budget Survey launched the assessment of the accountability of public funds

The Open Budget Survey is back, featuring results for Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, and Tunisia, and including a pilot in Libya.

See also Check the survey results per country
Contact Justine BELAID

CBAM training for Southern Neighbourhood clean energy stakeholders

On 10 June, the MED-GEM (Mediterranean Green Electrons and Molecules) Network with DG NEAR organised a high-level training session on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) in Brussels. DG NEAR and the MED-GEM Network introduced the hybrid event that was attended by national focal points and country correspondents from the MED-GEM Network, but also key representatives from renewable energy industry representatives, all together more than 60 participants online from both shores of the Mediterranean.

See also More information here
Contact Milou BEEREPOOT

Southern Neighbourhood Green Electrons and Molecules Industry Advisory Board Meeting took place in Brussels

On 11 June, the MED-GEM (Mediterranean Green Electrons and Molecules) Network organised its second MED-GEM Industry Advisory Board meeting, involving some 50 clean energy industry stakeholders and policy makers from Southern Neighbourhood countries (all present except Algeria and Libya but including Mauritania), hosted by Hydrogen Europe in Brussels. The meeting allowed for discussions among European and Southern Neighbourhood stakeholders on recent developments in the renewable energy and renewable hydrogen sector and areas of mutual interest and possible trade of Green Electrons and Green Molecules.

See also More information here
Contact Milou BEEREPOOT


Steering committee SwitchMed II (closing)

date 25/06/2024
venue Vienna, Austria

EU-Egypt Investment Conference

date 29/06/2024 - 30/06/2024
venue Cairo, Egypt

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