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3rd Mobility package : Main road safety measures

The European Commission adopted a wide-ranging ‘Europe on the Move’ package in May. Specific to road safety, it includes a new 2021-2030 policy framework, an action plan, two legislative initiatives and a strategy for automated mobility.

date:  18/07/2018

The framework:

  • confirms the EU’s long-term goal of ‘Vision Zero’ – moving close to no fatalities and serious injuries by 2050 – with an interim target of halving such casualties between 2020 and 2030.
  • encompasses an internationally recognised ‘Safe System’ approach, which accepts that people make mistakes and aims to prevent fatalities or serious injuries by building multiple layers of protection. The idea is simple: If one fails, another will compensate. 


“Road safety is a shared responsibility. It requires national and local entities, as well as civil society and industry to work in close cooperation to make our roads, vehicles and users safe. Under the European Road Safety Charter, we have gathered concrete actions and good practices to inspire us.

Commissioner Violeta Bulc


The Strategic Action Plan on Road Safety outlines key actions on governance, funding, roads, vehicles, road use, emergency response, emerging challenges and the global role of the EU. 

One of the legislative initiatives focuses on vehicle and pedestrian safety. It proposes to make certain technologies mandatory, such as driver distraction and drowsiness recognition and cyclist and pedestrian detection.


“I want to congratulate the European Commission for its impressive work in engaging more than 3 500 stakeholders in its European Road Safety Charter. Road safety is a shared responsibility being one of the most cross-sectoral, multidisciplinary areas impacting our lives.”

UN Special Envoy for Road Safety Jean Todt


The other proposes to update the European rules on infrastructure safety management, including network-wide risk mapping to make sure risky roads are tackled systematically. It also focuses on the safety of especially vulnerable road users such as cyclists, pedestrians and motorcyclists.

The Commission’s comprehensive strategy on automated mobility seeks to help the EU, Member States and stakeholders work together to seize the opportunities presented by this new development – and adequately anticipate its challenges.


“The Commission is setting a new proposal to halve deaths and serious injuries by 2030 – that’s a fantastic new target. It’s achievable but only if we unite everybody, the entire road safety community.”

Global NCAP Secretary General David Ward