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Electric car fleet - forecast

date:  24/11/2017

Question E-005627/2017 by András Gyürk (PPE)

There is likely to be a significant increase in the number of purely electric or hybrid cars on Europe’s roads, although there are major discrepancies between the predictions for the extent of the change. What values is the Commission using to estimate the number of electric hybrid (plug-in hybrid, or PHEV) vehicles and completely electric vehicles (battery electric vehicles, or BEV) for the years 2020 to 2030?

Answer given by Ms Bulc on behalf of the Commission (24.11.2017)

The Commission has presented its estimation of battery electric vehicles in the Action Plan on Alternative Fuels Infrastructure in the framework of the 2nd Mobility Package adopted on 8 November 2017.

By 2020 the number of electric vehicles is estimated at 4 million, by 2025 at 7% of market share.

This estimation is constructed on an assumption of possible future market share of battery electric vehicles, which in turn is based on announcements of vehicle manufacturers regarding the share of electric vehicles in their vehicle fleet.