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Som Escoles Blaves: A Beacon for Ocean Literacy in the Balearic Islands

October 24th, 2023 marked the conclusion of a remarkable Blue Schools project - Som Escoles Blaves (We are Blue Schools). This success story, driven by passion and commitment, has created a thriving local community dedicated to nurturing the next generation of environmental stewards across the Balearic Islands.

date:  10/11/2023

October 24th, 2023 marked the conclusion of a remarkable Blue Schools project - Som Escoles Blaves (We are Blue Schools). Funded under the Erasmus+ program, the initiative aimed to promote ocean literacy, environmental awareness, and sustainability skills among young students from Mallorquin schools. This success story, driven by passion and commitment, has created a thriving local community dedicated to nurturing the next generation of environmental stewards across the Balearic Islands.

 The Som Escoles Blaves project was guided by specific objectives that drove its mission:

  • Implementing a local Blue Schools Network under the umbrella of the Network of European Blue Schools, by fostering a grassroots approach that involved teachers, schools, environmental NGOs, and local actors including companies, public administrations, and media.
  • Document this grassroots approach in a BluePrint aimed to guide other EU regions in replicating this successful model, enabling them to establish other local networks of European Blue Schools.

To achieve those goals the project targeted school teachers and school leaders from a broad range of educational levels, including primary schools, secondary schools, and basic vocational education and training institutions (VET).

The project's achievements are nothing short of extraordinary. The dedicated efforts of the partners led not only to the certification of 100 Blue Schools in Mallorca, Minorca, and Ibiza, but also to the creation of the first local community of practice, uniting teachers, schools, NGOs, and informal education institutions. Together, they are dedicated to fostering blue education and advancing ocean literacy.

The importance of Som Escoles Blaves for the region did not go unnoticed. In June 2023, the project was awarded the prestigious WestMED award that recognizes initiatives that strengthen the Blue Economy in the Western Mediterranean region. The project stood out as one of the four nominated success stories, showcasing innovative and replicable solutions that align with the vision of the WestMED initiative for the Mediterranean.


The project's resounding success reached its peak on October 24th during the final event held in Palma de Mallorca, the capital of the Balearic Islands. The event, hosted at the Autoritat Portuària De Balears/Capitania In Palma De Mallorca, served as a platform to celebrate the certification of numerous new schools. It also marked the beginning of a new phase of collaboration between local schools, NGOs, and informal education institutions. With 100 certified European Blue Schools in Mallorca, the Balearic Islands established themselves as a global beacon for the implementation of ocean literacy through schools.


Som Escoles Blaves not only empowered teachers and students with invaluable knowledge of marine ecosystems but also created a model that other regions can replicate to advance environmental education and sustainability. The project is an inspiration for educators, institutions, and regions globally, encouraging them to take active steps toward advancing ocean literacy and preserving our precious marine environments. This success story is not an end! Many schools are now ready to take the next step and are already actively engaging in collaborative projects with each other. Some others have seen the connection to the EU blue schools as an opportunity to participate in other EU initiatives.

The remarkable success of the Som Escoles Blaves project could be attributed to the dedication of its partners: SeaTeach, Clube Intercultural Europeu, the educational cooperative CC Sant Alfons, and EMSEA, all of whom played pivotal roles in achieving project milestones.