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EMODnet launches a Technical Blog on EMODnet services

The EMODnet EC in situ marine data service is enabled by a large expert community of technical experts in thematic data, data and web services, data ingestion and more. One year on from the launch of EMODnet’s unified Portal, EMODnet launches a technical blog that brings the technical developments and achievements of the EMOD-network to the forefront, championed by EMODnet’s Technical Coordinator, Conor Delaney. The blog is intended for wider stakeholders who use and/or contribute to EMODnet and would like to know more about the latest state-of-the-art in EMODnet services. The technical blog will be released quarterly.

EU4Ocean Platform members share a wide diversity of expertise

The EU4Ocean Platform now brings together 173 members across Europe and beyond with a broad range of ocean literacy projects and initiatives. Participants in the ‘Ocean Literacy in Action’ event hosted by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE) and the EU4Ocean Coalition with the support of IOC/UNESCO in Brussels on 8 March 2024 experienced the amazing and inspiring energy from the three communities of the EU4Ocean Coalition. At the exhibition, Platform members together with members of the Youth4Ocean Forum and the Network of European Blue Schools showcased their work in all areas from research and education to the blue economy, advocacy and arts! Pictures and recordings of the event are available on the event’s website!

Spring Call for Young Ocean Advocates

The spring call for Young Ocean Advocates celebrates the Challenges of the UN Ocean Decade. Submit your ocean literacy project and join Youth4Ocean Forum!

New resources available in the European Atlas of the Seas’ Teachers Corner!

Did you know that it is possible to download Atlas presentations that were made during online and in-person workshops from the Teachers Corner? Dive in the ‘Workshops’ section to see the latest presentations made at the “EU4OCEAN SPOW - Plastic Pollution and Working with Ocean Technology" workshop and at workshops organised with pupils in the fifth grade of primary school at the De Plataan school in Merchtem (Belgium). A new quiz on marine litter is also available under ‘Quiz and Games’ and a new game is under preparation. Stay tuned!

Call for workshops - apply now!

Join the European Maritime Day 2024 in Svendborg (DK) on the 30-31 May 2024 – apply for your workshop! Deadline: 8 December at 17:00.

Som Escoles Blaves: A Beacon for Ocean Literacy in the Balearic Islands

October 24th, 2023 marked the conclusion of a remarkable Blue Schools project - Som Escoles Blaves (We are Blue Schools). This success story, driven by passion and commitment, has created a thriving local community dedicated to nurturing the next generation of environmental stewards across the Balearic Islands.