Read the online version | ISSN 978-92-76-51461-9
  08 December 2023  

Active and Healthy Living in the Digital World


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Not to be missed:

Last chance to register: Join the European EHR Exchange Format Expert Summit.

The European Commission, together with EU project XpanDH, invites health data experts across Europe to the European EHR Exchange Format Expert Summit 12 December in Brussels.

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Latest news from the uptake of digital health in Europe

DHU Catalyst session at AHL-Napoli-2023

Over three days on 13-15 November 2023, the event brought together representatives of policymakers, health providers, health professionals, academia, industry, and others.

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DHU Catalyst session at EHTEL Symposium 2023: Deploying digital health in the community

The session at the EHTEL Symposium 2023 in Ghent on 29 November convened three experiences where digital health solutions are deployed to improve primary care, integrate health with social care and evaluate the benefits of home care.

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Patients in the Driving Seat: insights from the DHU Catalyst session at the European Institute for Innovation Through Health Data’s Conference

DigitalHealthUptake organized a dedicated catalyst session titled “Patients in the Driving Seat’’ focused on exploring the patients’ perspectives on health data sharing, emphasizing its indispensable role in their healthcare journey and integrated care.

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Other News

How to make sense of the quality of digital health apps? Label2Enable is there to help.

In a time of abundance of digital health apps, users need to be able to decide which one is suited for them and what their quality is. Label2Enable is working towards scaling up the CEN-ISO/TS 82304-2 and its quality label for health and wellness apps in Europe.

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This is the newsletter of the Futurium platform Active and Healthy Living in the Digital World. It is hosted by the Digital Agenda for Europe Newsroom. Subscribe, if this email was forwarded to you. You may unsubscribe or broaden your subscription from this newsletter by going to your profile page or by contacting us at this address:
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ISSN: 978-92-76-51461-9