Read The Online Version | ISSN 978-92-76-51461-9
  28 March 2024  

Active and Healthy Living in the Digital World


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Not to be missed:

#EUHPP Live WebinarEU Cancer Mission - First project cluster policy webinar: Understanding Cancer

Join the Cancer Mission's first project cluster policy webinar on 16 April 9:30 - 12:30 CET. The webinar will explore how to work together to make better use of project results in the area of understanding cancer. It will bring together stakeholder and citizen perspectives on research and innovation providing an early exposure to the cluster projects launched under the Cancer Mission.

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Call for experts: Help define how Europe should assess digital health technologies

ASSESS DHT is calling for international experts to support the project in its efforts to harmonise methodologies for assessing digital health technologies in Europe. Expert efforts are remunerated.


Collaboration through twinning: latest news

Twinning as a way of sharing good practices and avoiding "reinventing the wheel"

Twinnings are a mechanism for facilitating the transfer and implementation of innovative practices from one place to another. Learn more about the concept of twinning here.

Digital Health Uptake twinnings: exchanging experience on health and care topics

Smart hospitals, innovative monitoring of older cancer survivors, setting up living labs, screening and prevention of frailty - those are just some of the topics the twinnings are addressing.

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Procure4Health open twinning call: twin on innovation procurement practices in health

Up to €30.000 available for winnings' activities such as travels, meetings, training sessions and much more to share experiences. Apply by 17 April 2024.

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ISSN: 978-92-76-51461-9