Read the online version | ISSN 978-92-76-51461-9
  19 December 2022  

Active and Healthy Living in the Digital World


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IN-4-AHA Final Conference RECAP

After two years of hard work and collaboration by the IN-4-AHA project consortium partners, Cluster Saúde de Galicia, Civitta, Praxis, EIT Health Scandinavia, Proud Engineers, XAMK, University of Porto Competence Center for Healthy and Active Ageing Porto4Ageing, SIH EEIG – Slovenian Innovation Hub, and EUREGHA – European Regional and Local Health Authorities, under the guiding leadership of Tehnopol, our project comes to an end. We celebrated our achievements during the final conference on 7 December. The event took place at the Arvo Pärt Centre in idyllic Laulasmaa, Estonia, and was streamed online so people from all over Europe could join. The whole conference was moderated by Tjaša Zajc.

The 2023-2024 work programme of Horizon Europe is out!
The Commission has adopted today the main Horizon Europe work programme 2023-24, with around €13.5 billion to support researchers and innovators in Europe to pursue breakthrough solutions for environmental, energy, digital and geopolitical challenges. As part of the broader EU €95.5 billion research and innovation programme, Horizon Europe, this funding will contribute to the EU reaching its climate goals, increasing energy resilience, and developing core digital technologies. It will also address targeted actions to support Ukraine, boost economic resilience and contribute to a sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. It will help to achieve a stronger European research and innovation ecosystem, including through wider participation of researchers and innovators across Europe, greater mobility and funding for world class research infrastructures.
Horizon Europe Info Day dedicated to Cluster 1 to take place on 19 January 2023
The European Commission announces that the Info Day for Horizon Europe Cluster 1 (Health) will be held as a virtual event on 19 January 2023. The Info Day will present the research and innovation topics proposed for 2023 under the Work Programme 2023-2024 of Horizon Europe Cluster 1.
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Nele Labi: State must create conditions for enabling innovation

According to Nele Labi, Deputy Secretary General for Innovation at the Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs, the state should not hamper innovation and instead create suitable conditions for innovation and ensure that no good idea misses an opportunity. Innovation is not about ideas but execution, she says.

RITMOCORE has been announced winner at the The European Innovation Procurement Awards (EUIPA) 2022
On 8 December 2022, the European Innovation Council Summit in Brussels, the European Commission announced the winners of the second edition of the European Innovation Procurement Awards (EUIPA). Supported by the European Innovation Council under Horizon Europe, the European Innovation Procurement Awards recognise powerful cases of public and private buyers promoting innovation procurement practices across Europe. It also emphasises the importance of close buyer–supplier cooperation in bringing the innovative solutions to market. Read more about the winners of three award categories:
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Council of the EU adopts recommendations on long term care
On 8 December, the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) adopted a recommendation on long-term care in the EU. The recommendation was made as part of the European Commission’s European Care Strategy, which also included a recommendation on early years care and education. The Commission recommends that Member States draw up national action plans to make care in the EU more available and accessible, as well as improving the quality.
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Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Socio-Economic Systems in the Post-Pandemic World: Design Thinking, Strategic Planning, Management, and Public Policy

The pandemic has brought to the fore unpreparedness in critical areas that require attention, amid prospects and challenges. Moreover, considerable reorganization efforts are required with implications for assets, resources, norms, and value systems. COVID-19 is challenging the concept of globalization and stimulating responses at the levels of local and regional socio-economic systems that lead to the mobilization of assets that have been unrecognized earlier on, such as various forms of economic capital, social capital, cultural capital, human capital, and creative capital.

IN-4-AHA deliverable - Mapping of accessibility and adoption of services and products

One of the outcomes of the Horizon 2020 project Innovation Networks for Scaling Active and Healthy Ageing (IN-4-AHA) is a Mapping of accessibility and adoption of services and products You can find it now in Futurium Library, both in English and Spanish This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No.101017603

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ISSN: ISSN 978-92-76-51461-9