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CERV Civil Dialogue Group: Online Info-Session on CERV-2024-DAPHNE Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children and on CERV-2024-GE Call for proposals to promote gender equality.

Online Info-Session on CERV-2024-DAPHNE and CERV-2024-GE (18/01/2024)

Deadline:  To be announced.

Join us for this information session on Thursday 18 January 2024 (from 09:30 to 13:00 CET) if you want to know more about our 2024 Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children (CERV-2024-DAPHNE) and Call for proposals CERV-2024-GE to promote gender equality

This online session will help you gain a better knowledge of the content and requirements of this Call for proposals (detailed information about this call is available on the Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal at: 

CERV-2024-DAPHNE: Funding & tenders (

CERV-2024-GE: Funding & tenders (

You can submit your questions beforehand when registering for the event or ask them during the session.

To attend the event, the registration is not mandatory, you have also the possibility to follow it in web streaming. 

 Practical information:

Date:  Thursday 18/01/2024 9:30 – 13:00 CET
Where: Online (via WebEx ®)
Language: English
Registration EUSurvey - Survey (

Link for the live stream
Meeting number (access code): 2743 037 3727
Meeting password: SFkwfqf3*23 (73593733 from phones)

 Draft Agenda

9:30 -9:40

Connection of participants & Speakers to Webex and Welcome

Call coordinators, DG JUST unit H.3 - Programming


CERV-2024-DAPHNE Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children:
Information on policy priorities, areas of intervention, budget available, expected activities and results, eligibility conditions, evaluation timeline followed by a Questions & Answers session

Policy officers, DG JUST units D.3 Gender equality and C.2 Fundamental rights policy;

Call coordinators, DG JUST unit H.3 -  Programming


CERV-2024-GE Call for proposals to promote gender equality:
Information on policy priorities, areas of intervention, budget available, expected activities and results, eligibility conditions, evaluation timeline, followed by a Questions & Answers session

Policy officers, DG JUST unit D.3 Gender equality;

Call coordinators, DG JUST unit H.3 -  Programming


Short coffee break



Application process, evaluation criteria, the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal, other topics

Call coordinators, DG JUST unit H.3 -  Programming


Specific budgetary aspects related to the lump sums type 2

Grant management officers, DG JUST unit H.3 - Grant management


Questions & Answers session related to the application process and budgetary aspects

Grant management officers and Call coordinators

Meeting materials are available in section Downloads below.


Online Info-Session on Priority 2 of CERV-2024-GE, 23/02/2024

The information session for national authorities responsible for implementation of Pay Transparency Directive was organised on Friday 23 February 2024 (from 09:30 to 13:00 CET) to exchange on logic behind and activities expected under Priority 2 of the Call for proposals to promote gender equality (CERV-2024-GE): Funding & tenders (


9:30 -9:40

Connection of participants & Speakers to Webex and Welcome


Priority 2 “Supporting the implementation of the provisions of the Pay Transparency Directive”
Explanations on policy priorities, areas of intervention, budget available, expected activities and results, eligibility conditions, evaluation timeline, followed by a Questions & Answers session 


Application process, evaluation criteria, the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal


Specific budgetary aspects related to the lump sums type 2


Questions & Answers session related to the application process and budgetary aspects

Presentations are available in section Downloads below. Due to technical problems, the recording starts at slide 11 of the policy part.

Recording of the info session on Priority 2 of CERV-2024-GE, 23/02/2024 

Due to technical problems, the recording starts at slide 11 of the policy part. Sorry for this inconvenience.


18-January-Info Session
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18-January – QA Info session
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