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Recommendation on developing and strengthening integrated child protection systems in the best interests of the child

The adoption of this recommendation keeps the promise made in the 2021 Strategy on the Rights of Child and aims to support the development and the strengthening of integrated child protection systems to encourage all relevant authorities and services to better work together in a system that puts the child at the centre. The Recommendation is part of a package, including a Staff Working Document, an Annex and a Communication.

date:  30/04/2024

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This adoption keeps the promise made in the 2021 Strategy on the Rights of Child and echoes the Council Conclusions on the EU Strategy on the rights of the child, European Parliament resolutions and Committee of the Regions opinion on Child protection systems adopted on 18 April 2024.

All starts from a thorough analysis: although systems are very diverse, Member States are facing common challenges and child protection is a shared responsibility. Protecting children in Europe and beyond is also an EU priority, enshrined in the Treaty, in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and in the international legal framework.

The overall objective of the Recommendation is to encourage Member States to further develop and strengthen their child protection systems. In a nutshell, the Recommendation aims to:

·         Support Member States to develop and strengthen integrated child protection systems, using relevant EU tools. 

·         Put children at the centre and protect them from any form of violence, responding to particular needs, vulnerabilities or subject to discriminations (e.g. children with disabilities, children in migration, gender-based, children from minorities, Roma, LGBTIQ children, discriminations based on religion or migrant background). 

·         Improving coordination and cooperation across sectors and competent authorities, starting at local level, in the prevention, early reporting and comprehensive support, fostering a ‘society-wide responsibilityto protect children. 

·         Having a general framework of integrated child protection systems able to respond to children needs in both physical and digital environments, regarding mental and physical health, including the protection against (cyber)bullying.

·         Making better use of existing EU tools to strengthen child protection systems:  law, policy, financial and technical support, communication, training and awareness-raising activities, exchanging best practices, reporting, monitoring tools, and cooperation and coordination with stakeholders. 

·         Protecting children as an EU priority in its external action: this include fight against child labour, protection of children in armed conflicts and protection of children from climate change and environmental hazards.

The European Union is really committed to help Member States in the implementation of this Recommendation. Children are facing the adverse effect of the pandemic, war and multiple crisis, in the EU and globally. Together, we need to tackle the challenges and harness the opportunities of the green, digital and demographic transitions to protect and leave no child behind.





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