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Dear Readers,

It is almost the end of 2022. Thank you for reading our newsletter and for promoting and protecting the rights of the child. We have been busy this year with the implementation of the 2021 Strategy on the rights of the child (see below about the latest bits), with supporting civil society organisation through funding (more about a new Daphne call in this edition), the 2022 Forum on the rights of the child (see links to its report below) and other important files to mainstream children’s rights across EU policies. Our thoughts go this year to all victims or the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. This year it may be a good idea to support one of the organisations helping Ukrainian refugees. And broadly to all children disproportionally affected by war, crisis, poverty, disasters and climate change around the globe. Thank you all for your daily endeavor to make their life better and all your joint efforts to make their rights a reality on the ground. Warm end of the year greetings!

date:  26/09/2022

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