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Wishes for a good, healthy new year to you all!

We are happy to announce that the European Commission has appointed Marie-Cécile Rouillon as its new Coordinator on the Rights of the Child, replacing Valeria Setti. Marie-Cécile will start her work on 16 March and will introduce herself in the next newsletter. Until then, you can count on the rights of the child team to assure continuing service and a smooth transition. In this newsletter we will present an overview of the wealth of activities promoting children’s rights in the EU and beyond in the past months. Many of our readers are also contributors to the activities developed to the benefit of child rights and this newsletter is dedicated to them. Please note that our next newsletter will be dedicated to child participation. So if you have any interesting activity or publication that you wish to share with our audience, please let us know and we’ll be happy to insert it next time. As always, we can be contacted via

date:  07/01/2022

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