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Selection of reports and studies on the impact of Covid-19 on children's lives

"I think this survey is a fantastic idea, thank you for taking the time to listen to us, because I feel that our age category is being forgotten in times of corona, so thank you again." said a 16 years old girl who participated in a survey done in Flanders, Belgium. Read more about this survey, other reports and studies documenting the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the rights of the child.

date:  27/11/2020

  • Unicef, 20 November 2020 - "Averting a lost COVID generation - A six-point plan to respond, recover and reimagine a post-pandemic world for every child"

This report takes stock of the global impact of COVID-19 on children and young people. It is based on the latest available data and research. The report highlights what is still unclear and gives the options for action to take steps to shape a better future for children.

  • Eurochild, 17 November 2020 - “Growing up in lockdown: Europe’s children in the age of Covid-19”.

The report compiles information gathered from 25 countries across Europe, and provides recommendations for improving public policies in the short and long-term to support better outcomes for children and families. The assessment is accompanied by reflections on the 2020 European Semester. This report is based on information gathered until August/September 2020, and was released in November 2020.

In the largest survey to date Save the Children asked more than 8,000 children and 17,000 parents and caregivers across the world to tell us how children are being affected by the COVID-19 crisis. The report finds that children are not having access to good healthcare and nutrition, not learning when schools are closed, falling into poverty, and being at an increased risk of violence. Save the Children thus calls on the EU to maintain its leadership in responding to COVID-19 and to prioritise the rights and needs of the most deprived and marginalised children as the world prepares to rebuild.

  • Child Rights Connect, 20 August 2020 - Child advisors assesing the impact of  COVID-19

The Child Rights Connect child advisors set out to assess the challenges and issues facing children during the COVID-19 pandemic. They came together to support one another, share their experiences and develop their ideas of how they may collectively respond to some of the COVID-19 challenges and issues raised. They also collected good practices  governments' responses to the pandemic, making recommendations to decision-makers on how they could improve their actions when facing a pandemic.

  • Council of European , 26 June 2020 -" COVID-19 pandemic responses. Lessons learnt from management and adaptation to ensure that children are treated as rights holders during the pandemic and beyond"

This is a report from the first thematic exchange of the Steering Committee on the Rights of the Child (CDENF). It took place on the 26 June 2020 with the aim to take stock, from a child rights perspective, of lessons learnt to date from the management of the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting brought together 60 representatives from 38 member states, 9 representatives from 2 observer states, and 25 representatives of different organs and committees of the Council of Europe, international organisations and civil society organisations.

  • Keki, 27 May 2020 and

 “I think there is much more consideration for adults than for children”' said a 16 year old girl who participated in a survey organised by the Children’s Rights Knowledge Centre (KeKi) together with The Flemish Office of the Children's Rights Commissioner  and the Flemish Child Rights Coalition in Belgium. More than 44.0000 children and young people completed the online survey: 17.000 children under the age of 12 and 27.000 plus 12 year olds.

  • Terre des Hommes, April 2020 - "Covid under 19"

#CovidUnder19 creates spaces for children across the globe to be meaningfully involved in the discussions about responses to the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • World Vision, 13 April 2020 - "Children’s voices in the time of COVID-19: Continued child activism in the face of personal challenges"

This is an exceptional study, because it was conducted by 12 young peer researchers, ages 13 to 18, with two adult researchers. The consultation project included 101 children and young people (58 girls and 43 boys) between the ages of 8 and 18 from 13 countries all over the world. The respondents highlighted three important factors that directly changed their lives: (a) school disruption, (b) emotional distress due to social distancing, and (c) increasing poverty.

  • Together, Scottish Alliance for children’s rights

Together is collecting information from various sources about children’s views and experiences about the coronavirus, including about the impact of the safety measures on children’s lives.

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