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DEADLINE EXTENDED until 15.04.2020_DG JUST - Call for proposals to prevent and combat all forms of violence against children, young people and women - REC-RDAP-GBV-AG-2020

The deadline for this call was extended until 15 April 2020. Priorities focus on victims of violence and peer violence.

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Deadline:  15/04/2020

Priority 3. Protecting and supporting children, young people and women who are victims and potential victims (including witnesses) of violence

Actions shall focus on early detection, protection and support services for (potential) victims/witnesses of violence, addressing their specific needs. Projects shall aim at fostering multi-disciplinary cooperation and strengthening capacity building for relevant professionals in contact with victims, including – but not limited to - law enforcement, justice system, victim support or social services, health care professionals, care professionals and educators.

Actions may include the design, implementation and facilitation of access to specialised support services aiming at helping victims and witnesses of violence to overcome trauma, mental health issues and psychological harm linked to their experience of violence. Actions can also specifically target children, young people and women in migration.

Priority 4. Preventing, combating and responding to peer violence amongst children

Actions shall focus on preventing, combatting and responding to peer violence amongst children (committed by children on children). Actions shall focus on supporting victims, perpetrators and/or witnesses of violence, as well as helping parents, professionals in schools, in youth organisations and clubs, in the health and care sectors, etc. to be better equipped to detect and respond to this phenomenon. Actions shall focus on all forms of violence, including online.

Description of the activities

Activities shall include: awareness-raising and empowerment activities; capacity-building and training for professionals; design and implementation of protocols, development of working methods and tools; design, implementation and facilitation of access to specialised support services; exchange of good practices, mutual learning.

See the specific requirements for each of the priorities. In general,

  • It is strongly encouraged to involve a public authority to actively participate in the projects.
  • Projects will be required to provide a child protection policy if there is direct contact with children and all proposals are expected to respect the children´s right to participate
  • Total indicative amount of financing of the action grants: € 12,435,000 (amount for the 4 priorities of this action grant). Maximum possible rate of co-financing of eligible costs: 80%
  • Deadline to submit proposals: 15 April 2020
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