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Study assessing impacts of a post-2020 EU Roma equality and inclusion policy

EX ANTE PUBLICITY FOR NEGOTIATED PROCEDURE FOR LOW VALUE CONTRACTS - Study assessing impacts of a post-2020 EU Roma equality and inclusion policy JUST/2019/RDIS/PR/EQUA/0113

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Deadline:  18/11/2019

The fields relevant for this call include EU Roma integration policy, socio-economic inclusion, non-discrimination, antigypsyism and impact assessment.
The main deliverable is one final study report. The report shall provide expert advice regarding the ex-ante assessment of economic, environmental, social and fundamental rights impacts of a future EU policy initiative for Roma equality and inclusion, including quantification and monetisation where possible. This advice shall take into account the findings resulting from the mid-term evaluation of the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies. The core task of the contractor will be to provide answers to the following questions:
• What are the economic, environmental, social and fundamental rights impacts of different policy options selected for a EU post-2020 initiative on Roma equality and inclusion? 
• How do different options compare (effectiveness, efficiency and coherence)?  
• What is the identified preferred option and what are its anticipated impacts?

The maximum budget in a possible tender following this call is EUR 116,000.



Impacts post 2020 Roma - More ...
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