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Call for proposals to prevent and combat all forms of violence against children, young people and women. REC-RDAP-GBV-AG-2019

This call for proposals aims to promote the protection of children from all forms of violence as well as the rehabilitation of child victims considering that children exposed to trauma are entitled to receive child-sensitive support and treatment.

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Deadline:  13/06/2019

This funding opportunity contains three priorities on capacity building to enhance prevention, detection, identification and responses to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), specialist forensic interviewers for child victims of violence and therapeutic services and treatment to child victims of violence.

The three priorities of the funding are:

  1. Capacity-building for trainee and in-service medical practitioners (including but not limited to general practitioners, dentists, paediatricians, nurses, accident and emergency practitioners), social service practitioners, police and the education sector (including early childhood education and care, schoolteachers, other school/early childhood education and care staff), with the aim of systemising robust prevention, detection, identification and responses to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), with a clear focus on promoting positive and caring relationships to foster resilience.
  2. Capacity-building for specialist forensic interviewers for child victims of violence (in line with how the role is assigned at country level: e.g. national child protection systems, the police, the prosecutor, Barnahus, etc), with the aim of systemising forensic interviewing specialists, preventing further trauma to child victims, ensuring a pathway to therapy and improving prosecution rates. Any capacity-building must be conducted by expert practitioners in the field.
  3. Capacity-building for trainee and in-service specialist practitioners providing evidence-based and trauma-informed therapeutic services and treatment to child victims of violence, with the aim of systemising the adequate national coverage of therapeutic services for child victims, taking account of individual children as well as groups of children and children as a group (e.g. in cases of mass victimisation and/or terrorism). Any capacity-building must be conducted by expert practitioners in the field.

As enshrined in multiple international, EU and Council of Europe legal instruments, victims have the right to assistance in their recovery. In particular, children exposed to trauma are entitled to receive child-sensitive support and treatment.

Opening: 31 January 2019 - Deadline: 13 June 2019

Indicative amount: €4,680,000. Maximum possible rate of co-financing of eligible costs: 80%


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