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Newsletter on rights of the child No 3 2018 – 18 April 2018

date:  19/04/2018

European Commission - Reminder on open calls for proposals - 2.Call for proposals on capacity-building in the area of rights of the child - Putting in place robust national or regional integrated mechanisms to support children ageing out of/leaving alternative care -deadline for proposals: 31.5.2018 – Reminder on open call for proposal - Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children - deadline for proposals: 13.11.2018

3. Latest edition of the compilation of previously-funded REC projects updated 18 April 2018

4. Continuously open call - List of experts to help the Commission in the framework of the Rights, equality and citizenship programme (includes rights of the child and Daphne funding on violence against children) – European Commission – Communication from the Commission to the European parliament, the European council and the council – Progress report on the implementation of the European Agenda on Migration – updates on the protection of children in migration

6. 1.3.2018 - European Commission - Commission recommendation on measures to effectively tackle illegal content online

7. 17.1.2018 - European Commission - Proposal for a Council recommendation on promoting common values, inclusive education, and the European dimension of teaching

8. 7.12.2017 - European Commission - 10 trends shaping migration

9. 2017 - European Commission - Overview of the 2016 and 2017 country-specific recommendations in the European semester in the area of families and children

10. 9.3.2018 - Eurostat - harmonisation of statistics on forcibly displaced populations

11. 20.09.2017 - European Union and United Nations presented the Spotlight initiative, a €500 million fund

12. 23.02.2018 - European migration network - The effectiveness of return in EU Member States


Other EU institutions and agencies - CJEU – Judgement on A. and S. v. Staatssecretaris van Veiligheid en Justitie – Preliminary ruling on right to family reunification of an unaccompanied child

14. 7.3.2018 - EASO - Age assessment practice in Europe

15. 3.2018 – FRA – Under watchful eyes – biometrics, EU IT systems and fundamental rights

16. 2018 - Eurofound - European quality of life survey (EQLS) 2016


Good practice corner

17. Denmark – Bagforensag – Bake for a cause – child helplines


Raising awareness on the issue of young carers

18. Introduction

19. Professor Saul Becker on young carers

20. Eurocarers - Edy-care – Innovative school education methodologies and tools for guaranteeing the social inclusion of young carers

21. Me-we - Young carers - Psychosocial support for promoting mental health and wellbeing among adolescent young carers in Europe

22. 40-minute radio documentary about a 13-year-old young carer (RTE, Ireland)


Other organisations

23. 21.2.2018 - Committee on the rights of the child call for EU-wide ban on child immigration detention

24. 25.1.2018 - Committee on the rights of the child - communications procedure under the 3rd optional protocol of the CRC

25. Committee on the rights of the child - List of pending cases before the Committee

26. 20.09.2017 - European Union and United Nations presented the 'Spotlight initiative', a €500 million fund

27. 28.2.2018 - OHCHR - Regional office for Europe -European added value - The EU Multi-Annual financial framework post-2020:  tool to close human rights gaps in Europe?

28. 6.12.2017 - UNHCR - We keep it in our heart - Sexual violence against men and boys in the Syria crisis

29. 3.11.2017 – UNHCR - This is our home - Stateless minorities and their search for citizenship

30. 20.3.2018 - Unicef - Innocenti Research Centre – Protected on paper? An analysis of Nordic country responses to asylum-seeking children'

31. 2018 – Unicef - Office of research  Innocenti - Best of Unicef Research 2017

32. 2017 - Unicef - Innocenti research - The adolescent brain, a second window of opportunity

33. 12.2017 - Unicef - The state of the world's children 2017- Report Children in a digital world

34. 20.11.2017 - Unicef - Despite progress, 180 million children face bleaker prospects than their parents

35. 11.2017 - Unicef - report A Familiar Face: Violence in the lives of children and adolescents

36.11.2017 - Unicef - Beyond borders - how to make the global compacts on migration and refugees work for uprooted children

37. 2017 – UNODC - Handbook on children recruited and exploited by terrorist and violent extremist groups: the role of the justice system

38. 2018 - United nations university (O'Neil, S. & van Broeckhoven, K.) - Cradled by Child Conflict - involvement with armed groups in contemporary conflict

39. 4.4.2018 – Recommendation CM/Rec(2018)5 of the Committee of Ministers to member States concerning children with imprisoned parents

40. Council of Europe – start to talk campaign – call for action to public authorities and the sports movement on child sexual abuse

41. 19.3.2018 - Council of Europe – Building inclusive societies - implementing the action plan (2019-2019)

42. 8.3.2018 - Council of Europe - web-page on child-friendly information in migration and life projects

43. 20.12.2017 - Council of Europe - Internet literacy handbook

44. 04.2018 – Ombudsman for children in Sweden – reports in English

45. 2017 - OECD - portal on child well-being

46. 31.12.2017 – ECRE - Aida - asylum information database - Bulgaria

47. 2017 – ECRE - Aida - Asylum Information Database

48. 02.2018 – ECRE - ELENA - Case law note on the application of the Dublin Regulation to family reunion cases

49. 11.2017 - Bunar, N. - Education international research - Newcomers - Hope in a cold climate

50. 12.2017 - Care insights - Men and boys in displacement: assistance and protection challenges for unaccompanied boys and men in refugee contexts

51. 2017 - Child care law reporting project (Ireland) - Focusing on secure care cases - secure case histories

52. 03.2018 - CRIN - What lies beneath

53. January 2018 - CRIN - Research report - Realizing rights? The UN convention on the rights of the child in court

54.  2018 - Ecpat/Interpol – Towards a global indicator on unidentified victims in child sexual exploitation material

55. 11.12.2017 - End FGM European network - Framing the European Commission 10 Principles for integrated child protection systems in the context of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

56. 12.2017 - Eurodiaconia - Towards an effective integration of third country nationals

57. 05.2017 – Results of EU-funded project -  Child focus and others - Ewell: Ensuring the well-being of children in judicial cooperation in cases of international child abduction

58. 2018 - Feantsa - Third overview of housing exclusion in Europe

59. 2017 - Forensic oceanography – Blaming the rescuers - criminalising solidarity, re-enforcing deterrence

60. 14.2.2018 - France terre d'asile - Anciens mineur isolé(e) étrangèr(e)  - Que sont-ils devenus?

61.  2017 - Girgt, S. - Education international research - The journey of hope; education for refugee and unaccompanied children in Italy

62. 10.2017 - Institute of statelessness and inclusion, European network on statelessness and European Roma rights centre - 'Roma belong. statelessness, discrimination and marginalisation of Roma in the Western Balkans and Ukraine'

63. 4.12.2017 - Joseph Rowntree Foundation - UK poverty 2017

64. 2.2018 - Lancet child adolescent health - Children and adolescents in high-income settings

65. Results of EU funded project: LEPCA - Lawyers-advanced training for international child abduction lawyers - webinars

66. 2018 - London School of Economics - Parenting for a digital future

67. 25.3.2016 - Marchant, R. Age is not determinative - the evidence of very young children in the English justice system

68. National center for injury prevention and control - Division of violence prevention - Preventing child abuse and neglect: a technical package for policy, norm, and programmatic activities

69. 3.2018 – Somo, centre for Research on multinational corporations and Terre des Hommes – report Global mica mining and the impact on children's rights

70. Fondation pour l'enfance (France) – awareness-raising campaign on corporal punishment in France

71. 5.2017 - Gendered ID - programme for families of trans young people

72. 17.1.2018 - Immigrant council of Ireland - immigration status in Ireland: what do I need to know?

73. SafeMUSE - Safe music havens initiative - mooraba – SafeCUBE – a positive, musical experience for children living in refugee camps

74. 2.2018 - Unicef - How voluntary guardianship for unaccompanied minors took root in Sicily

75. 2017 -  University of Nottingham and the equality and human rights commission of Great Britain - Making economic and social rights real

76. 09.2017 - Montenegro - prohibition of corporal punishment

77. 4.9.2017 – Picum - Back to school is not for every child: undocumented children still excluded



78. Previous issues

79. Subscribing to the newsletter


European Commission - Reminder on open calls for proposals - Call for proposals on capacity-building in the area of rights of the child - Putting in place robust national or regional integrated mechanisms to support children ageing out of/leaving alternative care -deadline for proposals: 31.5.2018 

Priorities of the projects are to support capacity building of professionals working for and with children on the rights of the child and child protection: project activities shall focus on putting in place robust national or regional integrated mechanisms to support children ageing out of/leaving alternative care and they shall encompass a strong child participation component (in project conception and design/empowerment of children/the child’s right to be heard/children’s involvement in reviewing service delivery)

Projects may be national or transnational and eligible countries are EU Member States and Iceland. Please read the call carefully and disseminate to anyone you know who may be interested. This call is also in the context of integrated child protection systems. 30.01.2018 - Opening date for submissions: 30.01.2018 - Link: – Reminder on open call for proposal - Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children - deadline for proposals: 13.11.2018

30.01.2018 Opening date for submissions: 8.03.2018. Link: There are five funding priorities:

  • Prevention of gender-based violence (GBV): The focus of this priority is on primary prevention, in particular changing social norms and behaviour, in order to end tolerance of all forms of gender-based violence
  • Protection and support for victims and witnesses (including children) of domestic violence, including through tackling under-reporting, promoting multi-disciplinary cooperation, and capacity building for relevant professionals
  • The coordination and/or adaptation of support services for sexual and gender-based violence to include refugees and migrants (children, women, LGBTI persons, men and boys), in particular to ensure their recovery from such trauma
  • Prevention and responding to cyber sexual- and gender-based violence (targeting children, women, LGBTI persons, men and boys), such as revenge porn, extortion with the use of sexual imagery ("sextortion"), sexual or gendered online harassment/bullying, grooming, etc.
  • Promoting the embedding of child safeguarding policies across different settings and sectors, such as sports clubs and organisations, extra-curricular activities and/or leisure/recreation clubs/organisations for children (including faith/church-led; scouts and girl guides, private schools), both as a means to protect and safeguard children as well as to equip staff with the necessary training and guidance.

Projects may be national or transnational and eligible countries are EU Member States and Iceland. Please read the call carefully and disseminate to anyone you know who may be interested.

3.Latest edition of the compilation of previously-funded REC projects updated 18 April 2018

The latest version is now online:

4.Continuously open call - List of experts to help the Commission in the framework of the Rights, equality and citizenship programme (includes rights of the child and Daphne funding on violence against children) – European Commission – Communication from the Commission to the European parliament, the European council and the council – Progress report on the implementation of the European Agenda on Migration – updates on the protection of children in migration

On 14 March 2018 the European Commission published a Communication on the Progress report on the implementation of the 2015 European Agenda on Migration.  As regards children, the Communication includes an update – further to the 12 April 2017 Communication on the protection of children in migration, with a link to, where you can find a February update of European Commission and EU agency actions - and (Member) State updates - European Commission - Commission recommendation on measures to effectively tackle illegal content online

As a follow-up to the 28 September 2017 Communication on Tackling Illegal Content Online - Towards an enhanced responsibility of online platforms tackling illegal content online, the Commission has issued Recommendation on Measures to effectively tackle illegal content online, in which a set of operational measures are recommended - accompanied by the necessary safeguards - to be taken by companies and Member States to further step up this work before it determines whether it will be necessary to propose legislation. These recommendations apply to all forms of illegal content, including child sexual abuse material and incitement to hatred and violence (C(2018) 1177 final) - European Commission - Proposal for a Council recommendation on promoting common values, inclusive education, and the European dimension of teaching

This initiative proposes ways in which education can help young people understand the importance of and adhere to common values set out in Article 2 of the Treaty of the European Union. It aims at strengthening social cohesion and contributing to fight the rise of populism, xenophobia, divisive nationalism and the spreading of fake news. The proposal also strengthens inclusive education to promote quality education for all pupils. The proposal addresses the European dimension of teaching, learning about Europe's common heritage and diversity and the functioning of the EU.

It contains a specific paragraph on children at risk of exclusion:

"There should be more focus on value-based actions in the community for children at risk of exclusion; i.e. not only for early school leavers, but also for those who are suspended or expelled from one or more schools and marginalised. There were also calls for more support, including financial, for second/third chance initiatives, one-on-one learning adapted to individual needs, and mentoring for marginalised and excluded children." - European Commission - 10 trends shaping migration

This report focuses on 10 trends that influence the way people migrate and migration policies, considering all recent socio-economic, demographic and technological developments. To date, 3% of the world’s population lives outside their country of origin.

9.2017 - European Commission - Overview of the 2016 and 2017 country-specific recommendations in the European semester in the area of families and children

Overview table by topic for the years 2016 and 2017 Country Specific Recommendations and recitals in the European Semester in which family and children issues are covered, including child poverty and well-being as policy topics. - Eurostat - harmonisation of statistics on forcibly displaced populations

On 8 March 2018, the United Nations Statistical Committee agreed on two documents which will improve the global availability of the data on asylum seekers, refugees and internally displaced populations (IDPs), the 'International Recommendations on Refugee Statistics' and the 'Technical Report on Internally Displaced Populations statistics'.

Nearly 40 countries and 15 international organisations were involved in the preparation of the documents. Eurostat, together with Statistics Norway and UNHCR, led the process.

Among the key achievements are the:

  • Creation of a statistical framework to set the terminology, concepts and classifications for refugee and IDP populations
  • Identification of basic, internationally comparable statistics and indicators
  • Recognition of appropriate data sources used for the collection of refugee and IDP statistics
  • Identification of indicators of refugee integration and well-being
  • Call for improved coordination at national level and the role of national statistical institutes in this area. - European Union and United Nations presented the Spotlight initiative, a €500 million fund

The EU-UN Spotlight Initiative is supported by a multi-stakeholder trust fund, with the EU as its main contributor in the order of €500 million and open to other donors. Comprehensive programmes will be implemented in the next years to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls, and will include strengthening legislative frameworks, policies and institutions, preventive measures, access to services and improving data gathering in Africa, Latin America, Asia, the Pacific and the Caribbean. - European migration network - The effectiveness of return in EU Member States

The EMN has published a Study and Executive summary entitled 'The effectiveness of return in EU Member States'. This study aims at analysing the impact of EU rules on return - including the Return Directive and related case law from the (CJEU) - on Member States’ return policies and practices and hence on the effectiveness of return decisions issued across the EU. The study also seek to provide an overview of the challenges encountered by Member States in effectively implementing returns, as well as identifying any good practices developed to ensure the enforcement of return obligations in full respect of fundamental rights, the dignity of the returnees and the principle of non-refoulement.

Other EU institutions and agencies - CJEU – Judgement on A. and S. v. Staatssecretaris van Veiligheid en Justitie – Preliminary ruling on right to family reunification of an unaccompanied child

This prominent preliminary ruling decides on the right to family reunification of a parents and the three siblings of an unaccompanied child, an Eritrean refugee, who arrived in the Netherlands and who was below the age of 18 at the time of the entry into the territory of the Netherlands and of the submission of her asylum application in that State as well as to family reunification, but had attained the age of majority during the asylum procedure.

The CJEU considered that making the right to family reunification under Article 10(3)(a) of Directive 2003/86 depend upon the moment at which the competent national authority formally adopts the decision recognising the refugee status of the person concerned and, therefore, on how quickly or slowly the application for international protection is processed by that authority, would call into question the effectiveness of that provision and would go against not only the aim of that directive, which is to promote family reunification and to grant in that regard a specific protection to refugees, in particular unaccompanied minors, but also the principles of equal treatment and legal certainty. Conversely, taking the date on which the application for international protection was submitted as that by reference which it is appropriate to assess the age of a refugee for the purposes of Article 10(3)(a) of Directive 2003/86 enables identical treatment and foreseeability to be guaranteed for all applicants who are in the same situation chronologically, by ensuring that the success of the application for family reunification depends principally upon facts attributable to the applicant and not to the administration such as the time taken processing the application for international protection or the application for family reunification.

Therefore, the CJEU ruled that: Article 2(f) of Directive 2003/86/EC of 22 September 2003 on the right to family reunification, read in conjunction with Article 10(3)(a) thereof, must be interpreted as meaning that a third-country national or stateless person who is below the age of 18 at the time of his or her entry into the territory of a Member State and of the introduction of his or her asylum application in that State, but who, in the course of the asylum procedure, attains the age of majority and is thereafter granted refugee status must be regarded as a ‘minor’ for the purposes of that provision. - EASO - Age assessment practice in Europe

The second edition of the EASO Practical Guide on age assessment has recently been published. The Guide provides updated guidance since the 2013 EASO Practical Guide, key recommendations and tools on the implementation of the best interests of the child when assessing the age of a person from a multidisciplinary and holistic approach. It also provides up-to-date information on the methods conducted by EU+ states and on new methods to be explored.

Age assessment methods and processes differ across EU Member States and reliable multidisciplinary and rights-compliant age assessment processes are not always guaranteed. To support national authorities in the safeguarding of the principle of the best interests of the child when conducting age assessment, the Practical Guide:

  • analyses the impact of age assessment on the applicant and the motivation for such an assessment;
  • offers guidance on the application of the necessary safeguards in the assessment process;
  • describes how to implement the assessment process using a holistic and multidisciplinary approach;
  • provides a model for a workflow highlighting a gradual process and use of methods to prevent unnecessary examinations;
  • explores new methods used to assess an applicant’s age, the latest developments in the methods already in use and the potential impact of each method on the rights of the applicant;
  • provides key recommendations to address practical challenges that might appear prior to, during and after the process;
  • contains a set of tools and reference documents to complement the information provided in the practical guide, including a glossary, a compilation of legal framework and policy-guidance documents, practical tools for ensuring the best interests of the child, and an updated overview of the methods and procedural safeguards in use in the EU+ territory.


15.3.2018 – FRA – Under watchful eyes – biometrics, EU IT systems and fundamental rights

This newly released FRA report outlines the fundamental rights implications of collecting, storing and using biometric and other data (including for children) in EU IT systems in the area of asylum and migration. Europe’s migration and security challenges have prompted the (EU) to develop and enhance multiple large-scale information technology systems (IT systems). Policy and legal developments in this area are evolving rapidly. The European Commission has proposed amending the legal bases for Eurodac and the Schengen Information System (SIS II), and is expected to propose amending the Visa Information System (VIS) in 2018. In addition, four new systems are planned: the Entry-Exit System (EES), the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS), the European Criminal Records Information System for Third-Country Nationals (ECRIS-TCN), and, most crucially, an IT system that seeks to ensure interoperability across existing and planned systems. Such systems provide invaluable support to border management efforts, but also have wide-ranging fundamental rights implications. The persons affected – including both regular travellers and persons who may be in situations of vulnerability – typically do not fully understand the implications of the use of such systems

16.2018 - Eurofound - European quality of life survey (EQLS) 2016

This annual report covers perceived quality of society, trust in institutions and societal tensions, housing, deprivation, family, health and participation in society and subjective topics, such as people’s (i.e. adults aged 18 and older) levels of happiness, how satisfied they are with their lives, work-life balance and social exclusion. The EQLS 2016 has a specific focus on the quality of public services and life online in terms of using online services and experiences on the web. Interactive data is also included.

Good practice corner

17.Denmark – Bagforensag – Bake for a cause – child helplines

This project – an annual bake event for children - was started 13 years ago by Lars Moller, who works in the advertising industry. It is a wonderful example of someone in the business world using their creativity to make a difference for children.

The aim of the project is to help children in need in Denmark, and to empower children to help other children, with all funds raised used to support the national child helpline (run by Børns Vilkår) – in 2017 this amounted to approximately €300 000. Aside from the very welcome funding, the event raises awareness of the child helpline, including among children. It provides an opportunity to frame discussions on why children may need to call the helpline and to foster a sense of community. It has grown to become Denmark’s biggest annual event. Children also get to bake and sell their products and have some fun.

Who doesn’t like cake?! Around 90 000 children in 1 500 kindergartens, schools and day care centres mix, bake and serve up delicious sweet things and raise funds for the national child helpline on an annual basis.

In Denmark the bagforensag day is always on the Thursday of Week 41 (in October). Sponsors are also involved, generally as part of their corporate social responsibility remit, for example to help produce campaign materials and provide baking equipment or raw ingredients.

Some other countries are already involved in applying the concept (bake for a cause; funds raised go to an organisation that supports children in that country).

See a five-minute explanatory video: ps://

Child helplines are really important, firstly to children, and also as part of each national integrated child protection system. For several years now, the EU has provided an operational grant to Child Helpline International for European-level activities and standard setting and raising.

Lars Moller has invested hugely in this over the years and would love to see other countries apply the concept. If you would like to know more or, even better, to do this in your country, please contact . He has also used his creativity to set up a national reading day for children...ask him to tell you more.

Raising awareness on the issue of young carers               


Are you aware of the circumstances of young carers, i.e. children and young persons under 18 who provide care, assistance or support to another family member – a parent, sibling or grandparent affected by chronic physical or mental health conditions? These young carers carry out significant caring tasks and assume a responsibility that would usually be associated with an adult. Data tends to be poor, apart from in the UK, but there are been some estimates: UK 2011: 215 000; Germany 230 000; Sweden: 25 000; Austria:  42 700. Even if you assume that a very small percentage of children in the EU act as young carers, e.g. 1%, that is still one million children.

On 6 March 2018, a very useful event in the European Parliament focused on young carers. The Report of the meeting is available here and gives a good overview of the issues, the challenges faced and what needs to be done. The situation of children and young people who refuse to take on this role was also addressed. The Press Release is available here. Now, at European level, efforts are underway to coordinate activities: An overview of Eurocarers activities on young carers is available here. Aside from advocacy, Eurocarers are involved in two EU-funded (Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020) projects on the topic:

Innovative School Education Methodologies and Tools for Guaranteeing Social Inclusion of Young Carers (EDY-Care) – leaflet available here (and see below).

In the framework of this project, Eurocarers have launched a call for good practices to promote young carer-friendly school environments. More details are available here

Psychosocial Support for Promoting Mental Health and Well-being among adolescent Young Carers in Europe (Me-We) - leaflet available here (and see below).

19. Professor Saul Becker on young carers

Read the extensive work and publications by Professor Saul Becker on young carers, over several decades:

20.Eurocarers - Edy-care – Innovative school education methodologies and tools for guaranteeing the social inclusion of young carers

The EU funded project Edy-Care project aims to empower teachers and other school staff (e.g., school nurses, psychologists, social workers, management) in upper secondary education (ISCED-3 level) to recognise adolescent young carers which are adolescents between 16-19 years old which have a significant role in caring for family member who are ill, disabled or misuse drugs or alcohol. The projects aims at identify them in classes and maximize their learning opportunities, while ensuring their social inclusion. The project runs from October 2017 – March 2020.

In the remit of this project, they are collecting good practices to promote young carers-friendly school environments and implement them across Europe. They are interested in good practices regarding educational strategies, didactical approaches and organisational adjustments that can support young carers in their educational career (by maintaining a regular frequency of classes, reaching learning goals, finalising formal education of high school, integrating with other students).

The experiences they are looking for can be expressly targeted to young carers, as well as targeted to other typologies of students but transferrable to young carers.

In detail:

1. Good practices in educational settings that help young/young adult carers to attend classes, to achieve good results, to remain in education and/or to be socially included

2. Good practices in the educational settings that aim to accommodate the needs of students (other than carers) and that could be transferred to the case of young/young adult carers

3. Good practices supporting young/young adult carers in fields connected with educational settings (e.g. sport/leisure/religious centres).

The project targets young carers aged from 16 to 19 but this consultation is broader (young carers or young adult carers any age).

  • The good practice can be something very practical but also a rule/law
  • The good practice can be at local or regional or national level
  • They are looking for good practices that have been already evaluated. Yet, if the one you know hasn’t been evaluated yet, it can anyway be shared.

For further information, please contact Francesca Centola – Eurocarers Project Officer- at

Please share any good practices by kindly filling in this form:

21.Me-we - Young carers - Psychosocial support for promoting mental health and wellbeing among adolescent young carers in Europe

This EU funded project under the Horizon 2020 Programme aims to strengthen the resilience of Adolescent Young Carers in transition to adulthood (15-17 years old) in order to impact positively on their mental health and well-being and to mitigate the negative influence of psychosocial and environmental factors in their lives. The research and innovation project will run from January 2018 to March 2012.

22.40-minute radio documentary about a 13-year-old young carer (RTE, Ireland)

Listen to this very insightful 40-minute 1999 radio documentary (RTE, Ireland) about a 13-year-old who had been the main carer for her mother for seven years:

For more information, or if you want to contribute to Eurocarers’ work, please contact Francesca Centola – Eurocarers Project Officer- at – now is a great time to take action on this!

Other organisations - Committee on the rights of the child call for EU-wide ban on child immigration detention

The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child urged the EU to put an end to child detention in the context of migration, even as a measure of last resort, as it is contrary to the best interests of the child and can never be a ground for protecting children. In the case of children with their families, non-custodial solutions must be found for the entire family. The Committee highlighted some promising practices currently developed in some Member States. - Committee on the rights of the child - communications procedure under the 3rd optional protocol of the CRC

The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has issued reports on  communications submitted to the Committee on FGM and deportation in the Communication 3/2016, 25.01.2018 on deportation of girl to Somalia, where she would probably face risk of being forcefully subjected to female genital mutilation. The Committee considered that in the forced return of the girl to Somalia Denmark did not assess the risk to be exposed to this form of violence according to her best interests.

25.Committee on the rights of the child - List of pending cases before the Committee

The pending cases before the Committee on the Rights of the Child can be found at this link: - European Union and United Nations presented the 'Spotlight initiative', a €500 million fund

The EU-UN Spotlight Initiative is supported by a multi-stakeholder trust fund, with the EU as its main contributor in the order of €500 million and open to other donors. Comprehensive programmes will be implemented in the next years to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls, and will include strengthening legislative frameworks, policies and institutions, preventive measures, access to services and improving data gathering in Africa, Latin America, Asia, the Pacific and the Caribbean. - OHCHR - Regional office for Europe -European added value - The EU Multi-Annual financial framework post-2020:  tool to close human rights gaps in Europe?

Position Paper drafted by the UN Human Rights Regional Office for Europe in consultation with other organisations contributing to the EU Multi-Annual Financial Framework post-2020 (MFF post-2020) and explaining the importance of the EU funding for the realization of human rights in Europe. Besides, it specifies the EU policy-making in the concept of the European Added Value, understanding the EU as a union of values and human rights. - UNHCR - We keep it in our heart - Sexual violence against men and boys in the Syria crisis

A UNHCR study on sexual violence against men and boys in the Syria crisis indicates that this violence may be far more widespread than previously understood. The UNHCR study involved several dozen informants and focus group discussions with some 196 refugees in Iraq, Lebanon and Jordan and was mainly conducted in late 2016. – UNHCR - This is our home - Stateless minorities and their search for citizenship

This UNCHR report analyses the relation between statelessness and belonging to minority groups and the effects suffered (e.g. discrimination, exclusion or persecution and the lack of documentation) through a series of interviews, with a strong focus on the impact on children and on the situation of the Roma population in Europe. - Unicef - Innocenti Research Centre – Protected on paper? An analysis of Nordic country responses to asylum-seeking children'

This report covers the legal and procedural standards for migrant and refugee children, and their application on the ground in five North European countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. It highlights both gaps, mainly in the areas of protection, healthcare and education services and good practice and interviews with leading migration and child rights experts. It also provides detailed recommendations on how procedural safeguards should be strengthened to comply with international commitments. The report finds that, despite proper legal and procedural measures being largely in place, implementation lapses expose many children to significant risks in the asylum-seeking process. It concludes that there is a clear tendency to give precedence to migration law over international obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

31.2018 – Unicef - Office of research  Innocenti - Best of Unicef Research 2017

The 2017 Best of UNICEF Research publication presents the top 12 research papers produced across the global organisation, following a review process managed by UNICEF Innocenti. The articles cover a wide range of topics related to child rights and wellbeing, and thought some are limited to a particular country, the evidence might be relevant for application in other settings.

32.2017 - Unicef - Innocenti research - The adolescent brain, a second window of opportunity

This publication is a compendium of articles written by leading experts in adolescent neuroscience and the way adolescents can be supported, particularly those at risk and affecting its well-being, including poverty, deprivation, conflict and crisis. It encompasses a broad view of the dynamic interactions among physical, sexual and brain development during adolescence, and elaborates on some of the risks to optimal development, such as the consequences to toxic stress, pointing out to the opportunities for developing interventions in adolescence.

33.12.2017 - Unicef - The state of the world's children 2017- Report Children in a digital world

The report 'The State of the World’s Children 2017: Children in a Digital World' identifies dangers as well as opportunities for children from the digital world. It calls on governments, the digital technology sector and telecom industries to level the digital playing field for children by creating policies, practices and products that can help children harness digital opportunities and protect them from harm. - Unicef - Despite progress, 180 million children face bleaker prospects than their parents

The data analysed in the report concludes that to date, children have the worst expectations: in escaping poverty in 14 countries, in getting basic education in 21 countries and a greater chance of suffering a violent death. This represents a worst scenario for children than 20 years ago for a total of 180 million children living in 37 countries.

35.11.2017 - Unicef - report A Familiar Face: Violence in the lives of children and adolescents

The Unicef report presents the most current data on four specific forms of violence to children in different settings and through their childhood, often coming from people in their daily environment: violent discipline and exposure to domestic abuse during early childhood, violence at school, violent deaths among adolescents and sexual violence in childhood and adolescence. Some Unicef national actions and strategies to prevent and respond to violence against children are included.

36.11.2017 - Unicef - Beyond borders - how to make the global compacts on migration and refugees work for uprooted children

This UNICEF report highlights initiatives underway worldwide that work towards care and protection of refugee, migrant and displaced children The case studies presented deal with the UNICEF six-point Agenda for Action which can be implemented to provide a safe home, a safe passage and a safe destination for every child. The ‘Beyond Borders’ report presents examples of how national, regional and local governments around the world are already working with partners to welcome, empower and protect migrant and refugee children - offering proof that practical solutions and effective programme responses for children on the move exist, and can be replicated and scaled up.

37.2017 – UNODC - Handbook on children recruited and exploited by terrorist and violent extremist groups: the role of the justice system

This Handbook provides guidance to law- and policy-makers, as well as practitioners on the treatment of children being recruited and exploited by terrorist and violent extremist groups. The handbook covers prevention of child recruitment, justice for children as well as rehabilitation and reintegration.

38.2018 - United nations university (O'Neil, S. & van Broeckhoven, K.) - Cradled by Child Conflict - involvement with armed groups in contemporary conflict

This recently launched study assesses the causes and motivation of children to get into and out of non-state armed groups (NSAGs) in conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Mali, Nigeria, Yemen, Central African Republic, Libya, and elsewhere and what helps and hinders their chances to exit these groups, analysing how the international community can improve its efforts to prevent and respond to child recruitment. – Recommendation CM/Rec(2018)5 of the Committee of Ministers to member States concerning children with imprisoned parents

Children with imprisoned parents are estimated to number two million in the 47 Council of Europe member States. They are often invisible and unsupported and the child’s rights, including the right to maintain direct contacts with both parents, unless it is not in the child’s best interests, are not always respected. The topic was discussed at the November 2017 European Forum on the rights of the child (report available soon).

This Recommendation, together with the very comprehensive explanatory memorandum, building on very solid groundwork including by civil society and the COPE network, constitutes a very important milestone. They are also relevant to EU Council Framework decisions. If you work in the justice, child protection, education, or health sectors, please read!

4.4.2018 Recommendation:

Explanatory memorandum:

40.Council of Europe – start to talk campaign – call for action to public authorities and the sports movement on child sexual abuse

EU call for proposals on rolling out child safeguarding in specific sectors, including sport, call closes in November 2018

(and remember our call for proposals to roll out child safeguarding policies in different sectors, including sport: Published on 30.01.2018. Opening date for submissions: 8.03.2018. Link:

IOC online course on safeguarding in sport

See also the link to the International Olympic Committee online course on safeguarding in sport: - Council of Europe – Building inclusive societies - implementing the action plan (2019-2019)

The report on 'Building Inclusive Societies' - Implementing the Action Plan (2016-2019) goes through the state of implementation of the CoE Action Plan agreed by the Committee of Ministers in March 2016. During these first two years of implementation, results include new standards (such as ECRI General Policy Recommendations and Committee of Ministers recommendations), important policy tools notably in the Education field, such as the Framework of Competences for Democratic Dialogue and European Qualifications Passport for Refugees, as well as the innovative actions and the dissemination of promising practices undertaken through for instance the No Hate Speech Movement Campaign and the Intercultural Cities Network. - Council of Europe - web-page on child-friendly information in migration and life projects

The Council of Europe has launched a new web-page on child-friendly information in migration and life projects where you can find all the information, reports and multimedia resources linked to CoE work in this area. The Children’s Rights Division continues to supporting States to develop tools for child-friendly information and procedures under the Council of Europe Action plan on protecting refugee and migrant children (2017-2019). This page will be regularly updated, and shortly a report will be published on the findings of the child-participation workshops that were held in November-December 2017.

Some of the new resources available on this page include:

  • the conference report on children’s and expert’s findings and recommendations on child-friendly information for children in migration gathered at a Roundtable in November 2017;
  • a short video compiling children’s views and recommendations about the information they received on their journey to and through Europe;
  • audio-recorded interviews with children who took part in workshops for children in migration;
  • a photo-gallery showing children’s views and recommendations about child-friendly information in the context of migration;
  • information about life projects for unaccompanied children, including the recommendation in six languages and a handbook for professionals also available in six languages.

The webpage can be accessed via the CoE website: then select projects. - Council of Europe - Internet literacy handbook

This Council of Europe publication on internet literacy gives tools on the emerging changes and challenges of the digital era, both opportunities and risks of internet, by providing information to young people, families, educators and policy-makers and to provide them with information on how to navigate through the communication technology. It contains information on the ethical, sociological and cultural issues that are linked to digital- and media-related activities.


44.04.2018 – Ombudsman for children in Sweden – reports in English

The Ombudsman for children in Sweden has published three recent reports in English, all on children’s experience, all available at this link:

45.2017 - OECD - portal on child well-being

The OECD Child Well-Being Portal is a platform for conducting research on children, enhancing child well-being and promoting equal opportunities among children, mainly to inform policy. The Portal also includes the OECD Child Well-Being Data Portal, with data and information from different sources on child well-being outcomes and policies in different States. – ECRE - Aida - asylum information database - Bulgaria

Information on asylum in Bulgaria 2017, which includes information on children and particularly on case law on child detention.

47.2017 – ECRE - Aida - Asylum Information Database

Data dated end of 2016 on some topics and practices in different Member States on education and detention of children and unaccompanied children, among others. Overview from different practices some European States on the use of detention or alternatives to detention to children, asylum procedure, reception and the content of protection.

48.02.2018 – ECRE - ELENA - Case law note on the application of the Dublin Regulation to family reunion cases

Useful tool for practitioners including a collection of family reunion case-law under the Dublin Regulation III and the interpretation given by national courts in various topics

49.11.2017 - Bunar, N. - Education international research - Newcomers - Hope in a cold climate

This report analysis the responses of the Swedish authorities (including at the local level) and judicial and educational institutions (as well as other associations) towards asylum-seeking, refugee children and their families in the past decade. It includes legal developments and policies, mainly on education, and with a section with recommendations.

50.12.2017 - Care insights - Men and boys in displacement: assistance and protection challenges for unaccompanied boys and men in refugee contexts

This report focuses on filling the information gap for the situation and specific needs of single male refugees. It focuses on the situation in Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan, and Greece and the report aims to provide a better understanding of the gendered impact of the refugee crisis on unaccompanied adolescent boys, aged 13 to 17, and men, single or living separately from their families; and to highlight actual and potential gaps in the humanitarian response. The report is based on a literature review, key informant interviews, and direct observation during a two-week mission in Greece and presents recommendations for international and national humanitarian agencies, for donors, and for refugee-hosting governments.

51.2017 - Child care law reporting project (Ireland) - Focusing on secure care cases - secure case histories

The Child care Law reporting project compiles some of the Irish High Court secure care cases and on exceptionally lengthy and complex cases, and those that raise important issues of policy and principle.

Eight of the 16 reports track High Court cases that come before that court repeatedly. They all concern the attempts of guardians ad litem, parents and foster parents to obtain appropriate placements and services for children and young people with severe psychological and psychiatric needs. Vol. 2 of 2017

52. 03.2018 - CRIN - What lies beneath

New CRIN vision and call to action on rights of the child: a definition of what we are fighting for rather than what we are fighting against.

53. 01. 2018 - CRIN - Research report - Realizing rights? The UN convention on the rights of the child in court

This report elaborates on the child-rights jurisprudence of domestic courts based on the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), analysing cases in which the CRC was used to challenge abuses of children’s rights, but also where it has been misunderstood and misapplied by national courts. It addresses the use of the Convention in general, and features more detailed analysis of three of the most cited rights under the Convention and the divergent ways they have been applied and interpreted: the best interests of the child, the right to be heard and deprivation of liberty.

54. 2018 - Ecpat/Interpol – Towards a global indicator on unidentified victims in child sexual exploitation material

EU funded project 'International Child Sexual Exploitation (ICSE) Database Connectivity and Awareness raising Enhancements (I-CARE) developed by Ecpat and Interpol gathers information on Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) and Child Sexual Exploitation Material (CSEM) across the globe. The results aim to inform evidence-based policy and programme to tackle the issue and protect children from online sexual exploitation and abuse worldwide.

55. 11.12.2017 - End FGM European network - Framing the European Commission 10 Principles for integrated child protection systems in the context of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Briefing Paper of the End Female Genital Mutilation European Network (End FGM EU), 'Framing the European Commission 10 Principles for Integrated Child Protection Systems in the context of Female Genital Mutilation'.

56.12.2017 - Eurodiaconia - Towards an effective integration of third country nationals

This policy paper with contains recommendations for a more effective EU strategy and national policies for the integration of third country nationals. The policy paper is accompanied by an ‘Integration Guide’, with successful integration projects in 13 EU Member States on different topics, including on labour market access and social inclusion, as well as on integrated support across different areas.

57. 05.2017 – Results of EU-funded project -  Child focus and others - Ewell: Ensuring the well-being of children in judicial cooperation in cases of international child abduction

The EU-funded project on child abduction with three EU Member State (Belgium, France, the Netherlands) participants, had as objectives:

  • determining the psychological effects of an international child abduction on children and the most important components that affect this well-being;
  • determining the best interest of the child in an international child abduction and formulating recommendations;
  • raising awareness on the above mentioned themes amongst legal & other professionals as well as amongst decision-makers;
  • creating good practices and judicial cooperation to enhance the well-being of abducted children.

The main research publication contains the output research of the project (qualitative research with parents, qualitative interview with children, case law analysis)

58. 2018 - Feantsa - Third overview of housing exclusion in Europe

This third edition of 2018 on the Overview of housing exclusion in Europe reveals how millions of Europeans face housing exclusion on a daily basis as well as a dramatic picture of increasing homelessness across most of the EU – in particular amongst children, women and migrants. The report includes specific country information on Austria, Czech Republic, England, Italy, Sweden, and has gathered the information from the report and compiled profiles on certain countries: Belgium, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom.

59. 2017 - Forensic oceanography – Blaming the rescuers - criminalising solidarity, re-enforcing deterrence

This report analyses the dynamics of migration across the sea between 2015 and 2016. It relies on official documents, statistics, qualitative interviews, photographs and maps to assess how the conditions and the danger of crossings has evolved, and how the main actors operating at sea have affected them. The report relies on findings generated through extensive interviews with state officials, Search and Rescue (SAR) NGOs and migrants, as well as newly accessed official reports, analysis by investigative journalists specialising in smuggling networks in Libya, statistical analysis and cartographic methods. It has been produced by Forensic Oceanography - a research team based within the Forensic Architecture agency at Goldsmiths (University of London). - France terre d'asile - Anciens mineur isolé(e) étrangèr(e)  - Que sont-ils devenus?

« Anciens mineur isolé(e) étrangèr(e). Que sont-ils devenus? » is a publication documenting the personal testimony of former unaccompanied children and giving great insights into their life course since they arrived in France

61.2017 - Girgt, S. - Education international research - The journey of hope; education for refugee and unaccompanied children in Italy'

The study provides a comprehensive analysis of challenges facing refugee and unaccompanied children education in Italy. The areas of concern include the effective implementation of the legal framework on the ground, the absence of a systematic monitoring process of refugees' access to education and coordinated approach at national level, the attention to human resources and the development of dedicated support mechanisms. The study highlights the practices developed by the education community to fulfil the right of education of these children

62.10.2017 - Institute of statelessness and inclusion, European network on statelessness and European Roma rights centre - 'Roma belong. statelessness, discrimination and marginalisation of Roma in the Western Balkans and Ukraine'

Synthesis report analysing the links among statelessness, discrimination and marginalisation of Romani people in European Union candidate and neighbourhood countries in the Western Balkans and Ukraine, with data analysing the main factors contributing to the risk of statelessness and the impact on their daily lives. The report is a synthesis of the findings of the Roma belong project. - Joseph Rowntree Foundation - UK poverty 2017

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation analysis in the publication 'UK Poverty 2017 - A comprehensive analysis of poverty trends and figures' the poverty rates in the UK and its evolution in the last 20 years the poverty in UK. The study found out that in 2017, 20% of the UK population lives in poverty, including 4 million children. Besides, although in the last two decades, poverty had been reduced for certain types of families with children, the 2017 showed some increase. The report includes the progress in reducing poverty by the UK and the drivers of poverty.

64. 2.2018 - Lancet child adolescent health - Children and adolescents in high-income settings

This article analyses the multiple factors affecting mental health of refugee children and adolescents, and the limitation of the interventions to address this problems, including for prevention. The study contains interventions on different levels, such as parenting and school interventions, and broader socioeconomic and cultural interventions and hence calling for comprehensive and cross-cutting interventions. Issue number 2, 2018, pages 121-132.


65. Results of EU funded project: LEPCA - Lawyers-advanced training for international child abduction lawyers - webinars

The EU-funded project, LEPCA II is an advanced training project for lawyers and legal professionals who deal with international child abduction cases under the 1980 Hague Convention, the Brussels IIa Regulation and the 1996 Hague Convention.

The webinars can be accessed in their website and includes following topics:

Webinar 1 "A LEPCA-lawyer’s basic tool kit"

  • Part one: The legal framework of international child abduction
  • Part two: The 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention.

Powerpoint slides can be found here: part one and part two

2. Webinar 2 "Cross-border Family Mediation"

  • Part one: Cross-border Family Mediation: A Webinar for Lawyers.
  • Part two: Cross-border Family Mediation: Mediation integrated in international child abduction procedures.

Powerpoint slides of the second part can be found here:  here

3. Webinar 3 “The Brussels IIa Regulation” 

  • Part one: Jurisdiction in international child abduction cases.
  • Part two: Recognition and enforcement decisions in cases related to international child abduction.

Powerpoint slides of the second part can be found here:  here

  1. Webinar 4 “European Case Law”
  • Part one: International child abductions in the light of the European Court of Human Rights' case-law.
  • Part two: Court decisions on international child abductions across Europe.

Powerpoint slides can be found here: part one and part two

66. 2018 - London School of Economics - Parenting for a digital future

Parenting for a digital future is a project conducted by London School of Economics, in which a UK-wide study investigates how children, young people, along with parents, carers, mentors and educators in the personal and work context work in a digital age. It provides different parents’ orientations to the digital future, in the UK and abroad.

67. 25.3.2016 - Marchant, R. Age is not determinative - the evidence of very young children in the English justice system

The research 'Age is not determinative - the evidence of very young children in the English justice system' deals with interviews of children of very young age (from 22 months to 5 years) in criminal proceedings in England. The study includes the developments of policy and practice in the last years and it highlights the importance of the way the interview is conducted in a child-friendly way and according to the child's development.

68. National center for injury prevention and control - Division of violence prevention - Preventing child abuse and neglect: a technical package for policy, norm, and programmatic activities

This publication compiles strategies to prevent child abuse and neglect, including the causes, the prevention of the causes of the violence as well as on the lesson of the effects in case it has occurred, ranging from individual, family and community-based solutions, based on the best available evidence.

Other publications of the series include, 'Preventing Intimate Partner Violence Across the Lifespan: a technical Package of Programs, Policies and Practices', 'Preventing Suicide: a Technical Package of Policy, Programs and Practices'; 'A comprehensive Technical Package for the Prevention of Youth Violence and Associated Risk Behaviors: STOP SV: A Technical Package to Prevent Sexual Violence'.

69. 3.2018 – Somo, centre for Research on multinational corporations and Terre des Hommes – report Global mica mining and the impact on children's rights

This study looks at both supply and demand in the global mica market, used in most significant industries such as the electronics and automotive sectors. Child labour on this market is a major problem and affects child's physical, mental, education and social development. The report tries to examine the status of risk-based due diligence processes for mica among different industries and contains recommendations for companies, governments and the EU, NGOs and the public.

70.Fondation pour l'enfance (France) – awareness-raising campaign on corporal punishment in France

71. 5.2017 - Gendered ID - programme for families of trans young people

Free online education programme for families of trans young people available with participation from professional organisations and trans young people and their families covering areas such as gender, family, health, social, and legal issues in relation to trans young people. was launched in May 2017 in the Republic of Ireland. It is the first online education programme aimed at providing information to families of trans young people. The programme encourages families of trans young people to access each of the learning modules, to watch the videos, and to read the stories from trans young people and their families. It is hoped that the programme not only provides factual information to families, but also helps them with strategies for supporting themselves, their trans family member, and the wider family.  The programme was developed by Danika Sharek as part of her PhD in the Trinity College Dublin School of Nursing & Midwifery. Danika is interested in connecting with others working in this area - feel free to write to her at

The programme is available free online at

72. 17.1.2018 - Immigrant council of Ireland - immigration status in Ireland: what do I need to know?

New resource to help young people navigate complex immigration system: and get over the lack of clarity in processes and inconsistencies in immigration permissions granted to young people.

73. SafeMUSE - Safe music havens initiative -. mooraba – SafeCUBE – a positive, musical experience for children living in refugee camps

SafeMUSE Havens Initiatie has launched a music movement project aimed at refugees living in refugee camps in different parts of the world. The Mooraba SafeCUBE (“Mooraba” = cube in Arabic) will enhance musical education and expression may be a keystone to joy, hope and education for refugees, including children and young people living in these desperate situations. The Cube will also connect the camps with each other and the outer world through radio and internet broadcasting from the different cubes placed around the world. They are looking for partners and funding, so feel free to contact them.

74.2.2018 - Unicef - How voluntary guardianship for unaccompanied minors took root in Sicily

Inspiring video on foster care for unaccompanied children in Italy

75. 2017 -  University of Nottingham and the equality and human rights commission of Great Britain - Making economic and social rights real

Set of publicly accessible, capacity-building tools and resources on economic and social rights (e.g. rights to housing, work, an adequate standard of living, food, social security, education, water and health).

The videos cover following topics:

•           Episode 1: Introduction

•           Episode 2: What Are Economic and Social Rights Obligations?

•           Episode 3: Progressive Realisation

•           Episode 4: Maximum Available Resources

•           Episode 5: Retrogression

•           Episode 6: The Minimum Core Obligation

•           Episode 7: The Right to Adequate Housing

•           Episode 8: The Right to Social Security

•           Episode 9: Work Rights

•           Episode 10: The Right to Education

•           Episode 11: Economic and Social Rights, Living Standards and Poverty

•           Episode 12: International Enforcement Processes

76.9.2017 - Montenegro - prohibition of corporal punishment

Montenegro has recently amended its law and has added to its legislation a prohibition to corporal punishment of children. It becomes the 53 State in the world where corporal punishment to children is prohibited.

77. 4.9.2017 – Picum - Back to school is not for every child: undocumented children still excluded

Picum pointed out the exclusion suffered by undocumented children in this piece of news the fact. Children who lack legal identity documents are often denied school registration, or not allowed to take exams or get certificates for the completed studies. Secondary school after the age of 16 and vocational training is almost always off limits. The report points out that there are also risks that school authorities will report children and their families to immigration authorities and they will be arrested. This States practices are against the international frameworks that all EU member states have signed, guarantee access to education to all children, regardless of residence or migration status.


78. Previous issues

You will find previous issues of the Newsletter on the rights of the child from January 2017 onwards here:

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