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Italy: Living Library

On November 30th 2017, Fondazione Sodalitas and the partners of Inclusive Mindset project*, organized a “Living Library Event”, a model promoted by ABCittà, opened to HR and CSR Managers and focused on disabled people and ethnic-cultural differences.

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Tackling discrimination

date:  01/03/2018

author:  Diversity Charter Italy

The “Living Library” is an innovative method to encourage dialogue, reduce prejudice and foster mutual understanding between different people. It is acknowledged by the Council of Europe as a best practice for intercultural dialogue as a mean to promote human rights.

The “Living Library” allows to tackle stereotype and to break down the most common prejudice in a positive and constructive way.

During the event, just like in a library, CSR and HR Managers have identified the “human books” “to read” on the basis of the title and the back covers listed on a poster. Afterwards they met the “human books” selected in a one to one meeting and listened to their stories about the difficulties and the prejudices experienced in the job market.

The “Living Library” in number:

10 companies involved, 7 human books, 30 “readings”, 27 reviews, 2 debriefings (one with companies and one with human books).

The workshop was coordinated by Ulderico Maggi, pedagogist and professor of Catholic University of Milan.


*Inclusive Mindset project aims to offer job opportunities to people who can hardly access to the job market, like disabled people, migrants…

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