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Czech Republic: DISA Index 2017

In 2017 the Czech Diversity Charter finished their first diversity benchmarking based on DISA (Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Assessment) which is the first benchmarking and rating tool on Diversity Management in the Czech Republic based on over 50 questions.

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date:  01/03/2018

author:  Business for Society Czech Diversity Charter

DISA Assessment was finished by 34 signatories and served as a pilot group to prepare the first Diversity Index (public Index to rate Diversity Management), based on which the signatories were ranked from bronze to gold levels and awarded with the Diversity Award. Key element of DISA (Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Assessment) – evaluation of diversity situation in company – tools, integration of diversity and inclusion into company life, connection of diversity tools with other HR processes, how is diversity communicate (internally and externally etc.).

Diversity Index (DISA) and the strategic development of diversity among employers is one of the targets of the Czech Charter (prepared in Business for Society in close cooperation with specialists from Universities and business representatives). Index is an important source of information not only for companies and improvement of their own practice, but also as a unique benchmark tool for Czech labour market.

Based on DISA (Diversity Index) we awarded 10 companies with golden rating in Diversity Award at the end of 2017.

BPS is also finishing the publication on Diversity Management (to be published in February 2018) together with the Confederation of Employers’ Associations.

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