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Belgium: Annual Ceremony of Diversity Label of the Brussels-Capital Region

On the 8th of December 2017 the Diversity Service of Actiris organized the annual Delivery of the Diversity Labels.

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Tackling discrimination

date:  01/03/2018

author:  Diversity Charter Brussels Capital Region

On this ceremony, the enterprises received the Diversity Label of the Brussels-Capital Region if they could prove having a positive evaluation of their diversity plan. In 2017, 10 Brussels enterprises were rewarded with a Diversity Label that they can use for their internal and external communication during the period 2017-2019.

The Diversity Service seize the opportunity to celebrate on this occasion the 10 years of Diversity policy on the Brussels labour market (2008 – 2017), by placing the history and the good practices of this diversity policy in the spotlight with:

  • An interactive exposition of the 10 years of diversity policy in the Brussels-Capital Region;

  • Workshops for little groups presenting a specific experience, for example: a sensory experience in the dark, an animation to make aware of the course refugees have to take, about the different visions on the different generations…

  • A fair demonstrating different tools used by different partners of the Brussels diversity policy, the participants could test on the spot (for example: the method of offer and demand, a tool about neutral communication, neutral recruitment…).

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