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Austria: LGBTiQ* - Not only Private Affair!

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersexual and Queer * matters us all…

Diversity Charter Austria

Related topics

Tackling discrimination

date:  01/03/2018

author:  Diversity Charter Austria

On November 17, 2017, there was a keynote speech on this sensitive topic in the Vienna Chamber of Commerce,  followed by a panel discussion for all employees. After his opening remarks Director Eckl handed on to the moderator Harald Schiffl from the LGBTiQ * Advisory Board. At the panel discussion: Astrid G. Weinwurm-Wilhelm (LGBTiQ * Advisory Board), Hartwig W. Zoppoth (Erste Group Bank AG), Rainer Hartlieb (Works Council) and Altus Branislav (LGBTiQ * confidant). Among other things, the following questions were discussed on this occasion: What LGBTiQ * means. Why sexual orientation is not only a private matter. Why a lived diversity management is economically relevant. Why is the Vienna University of Technology playing a pioneering role in the organization?

Impressions and feedback from participants:

"Thank you for this successful event. For me, I take it for granted that the feel-good factor in the workplace is very important to us - and that is ultimately reflected in our contact with our customers." Mag. Klaudia Smith (Head of Service-Management Unit)

"I think it's great that the Vienna Chamber of Commerce wants to deal with LGBTiQ * internally and will develope the project further. Many employees from various departments took part, which shows how important this topic is." Mag. Nadine Friedrich (Employee/District-Management-Unit)

"I found the event interesting, great moderated, open and very entertaining. Many thanks to the Department of Business Networks for the impulse and for organize for such an event." Daniela Friedrich, Bakk. (Human Resources Development Unit)

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