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EU Platform of Diversity Charters


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Platform news

Make yourself heard – participate in the European study on assessing diversity and inclusion policies in organisations

A study has been commissioned by the European Commission DG Justice and Consumers (DG JUST) and is conducted by a consortium led by Risk & Policy Analysts (RPA). Can we rely on your support to this new research on existing diversity and inclusion policies? The study began in early June 2024, so you still have time to contribute!


Opening event of the 5th European Diversity Month

European Diversity Month kicked off with a vibrant opening event on 25 April in Brussels. Commissioner for Equality Helena Dalli, alongside key figures and stakeholders committed to promoting diversity and inclusion, discussed how organisations can overcome challenges such as an ageing population, digitalisation and rapidly developing technology and a shift to more sustainable ways of working by embracing inclusion. The event included panel discussions reviewing the Commission's past efforts in fostering equality and non-discrimination and exploring future of diversity and inclusion policies.


Winners of the European Capitals of Inclusion and Diversity Award 2024

European Capitals of Inclusion and Diversity Award Ceremony took place for the third time on April 25 in Brussels. The Award celebrates towns, cities, and regions across the EU that lead by example in inclusive policies. This year's edition had a distinct Spanish flavour: three out of the seven winners come from Spain, with the four others being in Croatia, Italy, Sweden and Slovenia.


News from the Diversity Charters

Bulgarian Diversity Charter welcomed new signatories at the Annual Meeting

Bulgarian Diversity Charter held its annual meeting on 14 May at Hilton Sofia. The event brought together the local Diversity Charter community to promote the importance of diverse teams and inclusive workplaces where everyone feels valued and can thrive as well as to foster the exchange of experience and best practice.


From Cultural Diversity to Playing Bingo in Estonia

Every year, May is dedicated to diversity in Europe. In Estonia, the year 2024 has been declared the Year of Cultural Richness by the Ministry of Culture, so the Estonian Human Rights Centre (EHRC), the coordinator of Diversity Charter in Estonia, focused on cultural diversity this Diversity Month as well.


European Diversity Month reveals that inclusion policies will be the lever for sustainable economic growth

The official event, held in Málaga, brought together leaders from the world of business, the public sector, the media and sport, who see Andalusia as an opportunity to grow in innovation and diversity.


Diversity Day

On Thursday 30/5/2024 Diversity Charter Greece in collaboration with Generation Y, member company of Diversity Charter Greece, held the Diversity Day entitled ''Best Practices for Diversity & Inclusion actions in companies, as well as for the effective communication of these in the labour market''.


Diversity & Inclusion Business Breakfast

The first Diversity and Inclusion Business Breakfast was organized on Thursday, May 16, 2024, on the initiative of the Diversity Charter for Greek businesses and on the occasion of the 5th European Diversity Month 2024, an initiative of the European Commission to promote Diversity and Inclusion issues in businesses.


New Platform for the European Diversity Barometer!

We are thrilled to announce the official launch of the newly European Diversity Barometer platform, project led by the Diversity Charter Luxembourg. This innovative and user-friendly platform was designed to foster greater engagement and collaboration across Europe on crucial diversity issues.


Inspiration Session during European Diversity Month

On May 14, 2024, an inspiration session took place at the Cinerama Film Theater in Rotterdam (Netherlands), in honor of European Diversity Month. The event, organized in collaboration with the European Commission, UN Global Compact, and Movies that Matter, combined the power of film and in-depth discussions to convey a strong message.


Kaufland Romania and the Museum of Immersive New Art celebrated the inclusion of people with disabilities

For four months, Kaufland Romania, one of the Romanian Diversity Charter’s signatories, traveled through several cities in the country with the project "Caravana A.C.C.E.S.," alongside George Baltă, a former rugby player and current wheelchair marathoner, and director Tedy Necula, to promote the integration of people with disabilities into the labor market.


100 „loans” during the inaugural D&I Living Library hosted by the Romanian Diversity Charter

To mark #EUDiversityMonth this year, the Romanian Diversity Charter hosted its first D&I Living Library Event for the Charter’s signatories on 30th May at the STUP premises in Bucharest. From 2 to 6 PM, the event provided a unique learning opportunity for our signatories and communities involved, enabling face-to-face dialogues on important D&I topics, and connecting individuals with firsthand organizational and personal experiences.



On Tuesday May 14, 2024, Diversity Day celebrated its 10th anniversary! This national day is a privileged opportunity for organisations to take concrete action for greater equity and inclusion in the professional world (whether or not they are signatories to the Diversity Charter). The event aims to unites companies, public organisations and associations to promote diversity.


From Sports to the media: Promoting human rights with cultural leaders, athletes and journalists

The official event, presented by Verónica Chumillas, RTVE Andalucía news editor, highlighted the role of sport, culture and the media in promoting human rights and diversity.


Deploy your Talents

On May 23rd, at the Elfo Puccini Theatre in Milan and as part of the European Diversity Month, was held the final event of Deploy your Talents, the program to relaunch technical-scientific studies, beyond gender stereotypes, born from CSR Europe and developed in Italy by Fondazione Sodalitas.


33 companies have participated in the Diversity Charter signing ceremony, which already has more than 1,600 signatory organizations in Spain

A total of 33 business leaders participated in the signing ceremony of the Diversity Charter. This meeting was held in the Edgar Neville Auditorium of the Malaga Provincial Council.


The Romanian Diversity Charter has welcomed new signatories

We are delighted to announce the continued growth of the Romanian Diversity Charter, with the commitment of 242 signatories representing approximately 315,000 employees.


This is the EU Platform of Diversity Charters Newsletter of the Justice and Consumers Newsroom.

EU Platform of Diversity Charters is funded by the European Commission under the project ‘Support for voluntary initiatives promoting diversity management at the workplace across the EU’. This newsletter has been prepared for the European Commission by the national Diversity Charters. However, it reflects the views of the authors only, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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