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EU Platform of Diversity Charters


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Platform news
Looking back at the European Diversity Month and looking forward to more organisations measuring diversity and inclusion

Celebrated each May, European Diversity Month draws attention to the importance of promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace. This year’s theme focused on assessing diversity and inclusion.

Questions of Data Collection and Measurement
By Maria Hegarty, Diversity Charter Ireland/Equality Strategies
European Commission unveiled winners of the European Capitals of Inclusion and Diversity Award 2023

In a high-level ceremony in Brussels, Commissioner for Equality Helena Dalli together with Vice-President Věra Jourová and representative of Committee of Regions Kate Feeney announced the winners of this year’s European Capitals of Inclusion and Diversity Award.

Access City Award 2024: applications are open

Applications for the Access City Award competition are open until 18 September 2023. This European award recognises cities which have undertaken outstanding work to become more accessible for persons with disabilities.

News from the Diversity Charters
“If you want to belong, you have to contribute”

There is something deeply satisfying in hearing the humming of six groups, comprised of people who were largely strangers to each other just hours ago, deep in conversation and joint contemplation. To me, as a bridge builder and a network facilitator, it is the sound of happy success. On Finland’s Diversity Charter’s Diversity Month 2023 -workshop on how Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) could accelerate DEI-work, this sound filled the event venue, encircling the participants with glue that kept many of them talking together long after the event was officially over.

Celebration of the EU Diversity Month in Barcelona, Spain: Bringing diversity closer to all territories of the country

Spain is a diverse country, with different peoples, languages, cultures and regions. This year, the European Diversity Month official event was held for the first time in Barcelona, with the aim of bringing Diversity closer to different territories of the country.

Diversity Charter Bulgaria Annual Get Together

Over 80 signatories and supporters gathered to mark EU Diversity Month 2023

Diversity Fair in Cyprus

Diversity Fair in Cyprus has been completed with success. It featured a plethora of providers, volunteers, supporters and logistics to bring it to life and undoubtedly it was worth every second of planning!

European Diversity Day 2023: Building Bridges - Diversity, Sustainability & Partnership

Adaptation to current changes and social challenges is only possible if Europe as a whole agrees on it. Swedish Ambassador Fredrik Jörgensen said this at the international conference "European Diversity Day 2023: Building Bridges - Diversity, Sustainability & Partnership". He also mentioned that the Swedes prioritize the topic of gender equality and inclusion during the Swedish presidency of the Council of the European Union.

An intersectional focus on Diversity

Diversity Charter Denmark hosted our annual Signing Event on the 9th of May. As it was diversity month, we celebrated diversity together with our signatories (both old and new ones) by officially signing the charter together. The theme of the day was intersectionality in the workplace, as we want to talk about diversity across different identity markers and how those intersect.

The D&I training workshop “Diversity&Inclusion: promoting inclusion through confrontation”

The D&I training workshop “Diversity&Inclusion: promoting inclusion through confrontation” dedicated to our member companies and signatories of the Italian Diversity Charter was held on 30 May. Organised as part of the European Diversity Month and funded by the European Commission, the meeting was attended by 23 people from 20 companies. Through the use of diversophy® cards, trainer Maura Di Mauro showed us how confrontation, sharing and action are fundamental to foster inclusive workplaces.

EU Diversity Month 2023 in Hungary

In May, we have celebrated and highlighted the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion across Europe. Cultural diversity, women leaders, LGBTQIA+, well-being, inclusive employment, and many other topics have been highlighted in Hungary in the context of the HBLF EU Diversity Month 2023.

European Diversity Month's activities in Greece
One more year we celebrated the European Diversity Month through actions and synergies with the aim of “sending” the message of diversity and inclusion as far as possible.
9th Diversity Day in Luxembourg

The 9th edition of the Diversity Day took place in Luxembourg on May 23, 2023. Public and private sector organisations, across the country, were invited to launch initiatives to illustrate their commitment to diversity themes through striking and entertaining actions.

EUDiversity Month 2023. Building bridges in Poland

May is broadly celebrated by EU member countries. European Diversity Month is one of flagship activities held by Diversity Charters Platform that Poland is a part of.


This is the EU Platform of Diversity Charters Newsletter of the Justice and Consumers Newsroom.

EU Platform of Diversity Charters is funded by the European Commission under the project ‘Support for voluntary initiatives promoting diversity management at the workplace across the EU’. This newsletter has been prepared for the European Commission by the national Diversity Charters. However, it reflects the views of the authors only, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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