Read the online version | ISSN 2599-8714
  16 December 2021  

DG JUSTICE Newsletter on funding opportunities & funded projects

Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values & Justice programmes

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In this issue
Funding opportunities
New calls for proposals published under the CERV and justice programmes!

Under the CERV programme, the Union values call makes 51 million available to support grass-root civil society organisations and there is also the first-ever call to support training and awareness about the EU Charter of fundamental rights and strategic litigation. Under the justice programme, judicial professionals can benefit from the justice programme’s transnational nature. In total, for 2022, 143,4 million are available for the CERV programme and 13,3 million for the justice programme. Discover below all the 2022 calls, you cannot miss these funding opportunities!

Spotlight on the Union values call

The Union values call is a novelty and also the biggest call of the CERV programme. 51 million are available to support grass-root civil society organisations through a new funding scheme (cascading grant).

Spotlight on the citizens engagement and participation call

You look for financial support for projects on citizens’ participation? Then, the citizens engagement and participation call is what you are looking for! This is another big call of the CERV programmes with 17 million available to fund projects of transnational partnerships and networks directly involving citizens.

Looking for other funding opportunities linked to DG JUST policies?

Then have a look at the Horizon Europe programme!

Project management tips
What’s new for projects selected in 2021-2027?

Also in light of the new calls for proposals, we would like to draw your attention to some of the main novelties in terms of grant and financial management brought by the new MFF (Multiannual Financial Framework) for the period 2021-2027.

News for applicants: integrate a gender perspective in your proposal

The European Commission has revised its approach to evaluating and selecting proposals for funding. Applicants are strongly encouraged to include in their proposal a gender perspective and conduct a gender analysis. For practical advices, please consult the guide developed by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE).

See also Guide to Gender Impact Assessment
Activities, news & upcoming events
Promotional Video of the CERV Programme

This video has been produced as a follow-up of the CERV Civil Dialogue Week that took place this year from 25-28 May.

See also Link video
Beneficiaries: outputs, events & stories
News from the Project B-COMPETENT

The project B-COMPETENT, co-funded by the justice Programme, is coordinated by the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli in partnership with other six partners from Spain, Albania and Italy.

document B-COMPETENT-training-flyer  (555 KB)
News from the project EU charter

The project EU Charter, co-funded by the justice programme, is coordinated by ERA (Academy of European Law) in partnership with the National Institute of Justice (Sofia).

This is the “DG Justice Newsletter on funding opportunities & funded projects”. This newsletter delivers updates on the implementation of the Justice and CERV (Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values) Programmes, including information about new funding opportunities, new funded projects, events and project management tips.

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