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Data protection

Commissioner Jourová's remarks at the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield press point

European Commission - Speech - [Check Against Delivery] Brussels, 12 July 2016 Ladies and Gentlemen, I am very pleased to announce that this morning the European Commission has adopted the decision on the EU-US Privacy Shield, the new data protection framework for transatlantic transfers of personal data.

Signing of the "Umbrella" Agreement: A major step forward in EU-U.S. relations

Today, the EU and U.S. have signed the "Umbrella" agreement, representing a major step forward in EU-U.S. relations. The agreement sets high standards for the protection of personal data transferred by law-enforcement authorities. It also strengthens legal certainty and enhances the rights of citizens which in turn will facilitate EU-U.S. cooperation to combat crime, including terrorism. The EU and the United States are committed to work together in the implementation of this agreement to ensure that it benefits both citizens and law enforcement cooperation. The next step will be to seek approval by the European Parliament.

Joint Statement on the final adoption of the new EU rules for personal data protection

European Commission - Statement Brussels, 14 April 2016 European Commission First Vice-President Frans Timmermans, Vice-President in charge of the Digital Single Market Andrus Ansip, and Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, Věra Jourová made the following statement: "The European Commission welcomes the final adoption of the new EU data...

EU-U.S. Privacy Shield: Frequently Asked Questions

European Commission - Fact Sheet Brussels, 29 February 2016 What is the EU-US Privacy Shield? After two years of negotiations, the European Commission and the U.S. Department of Commerce reached on 2 February 2016 a political agreement on a new framework for transatlantic exchanges of personal data for commercial purposes:...