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CERV programme - Call for proposals on promoting capacity building and awareness on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and activities on strategic litigation

Call for proposals on promoting capacity building and awareness on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and activities on strategic litigation relating to democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights breaches

Deadline:  24/02/2022

See alsoLink to the call

For the very first time, the Commission makes available 2 million euro for projects on the EU Charter and strategic litigation. Specific targets are civil society organisations, National Human Rights Institutions, Equality bodies and Ombuds Institutions.

Proclaimed 20 years ago and legally binding since 2009, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (‘the Charter’) reaffirmed that the EU is built on fundamental rights, democracy and the rule of law. The Charter enshrines fundamental rights from which everyone in the EU should benefit. However, the Charter is not used to its full potential and awareness remains low.

As highlighted in the EU Charter Strategy, rights holders need to be aware of their rights and need help to receive effective judicial protection in case their fundamental rights were breached. Strategic litigators are key to foster the promotion and protection of Charter rights and need support to strengthen their capacity and knowledge on the Charter and on how to develop a strategic approach to cases. In this context, the support and assistance to the victims provided by civil society organisations, national human rights institutions and Equality Bodies is instrumental.

The call has two priorities:

  1. Capacity-building and awareness raising on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights - To contribute to the effective and coherent application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (the Charter), in line with the Strategy to strengthen the application of the Charter in the EU and to foster a culture of fundamental rights in the Member States.
  2. Activities on strategic litigation - To strengthen the knowledge and ability of practitioners, legal professionals, civil society organisations and independent human rights bodies to effectively engage in litigation practices at national and European level, and to improve access to justice and enforcement of rights under EU law, including the Charter, through training, knowledge sharing and exchange of good practices.
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