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Collection of good practices and trainings for civil servants, social workers and partners on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life

Ex Ante Publicity for Negotiated Procedure for Low Value Contrat (JUST/2021/PR/CCHI/RIGH/0047)

Deadline:  15/10/2021

The Commission, in the context of its work on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life has identified the need for a collection of good practices and trainings for civil servants, social workers and partners at the level of local authorities and cities, in order to combat antisemitism and foster Jewish life in Europe. In recent years, Jewish citizens and institutions have been repeatedly the targets of antisemitic attacks and Jews have been in a constant fear for their safety.

The European Commission aims with this contract to produce a handbook on good practices and examples of addressing antisemitism at local level, which will also provide the basis for trainings, according to the needs and challenges faced by local authorities to train their civil servants, social workers and partners to address antisemitism and foster Jewish life. The contractor should identify the main challenges and approaches to combat antisemitism, hatred and discrimination at the local level, and to teach about Jewish life and the Holocaust, about Holocaust remembrance, informal education about the Holocaust, at the local level, through a scoping paper. The goal of this contract is to build on the existing knowledge in this specific area of work and to undertake a collection of at least 50 good practices by cities of different types and representing at least 12 EU Member States, in at least three EU languages, including English (preferably French and German). The contractor should also develop trainings for civil servants, social workers and various partners on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, conducted in at least three cities, in three different countries and in cooperation with local Jewish communities where possible.


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