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Have your say: open public consultation on gender-based and domestic violence

The purpose of this consultation is to inform the Commission’s work on further measures for improved and coordinated prevention of and protection against this kind of violence.

Deadline:  10/05/2021

The European Commission launched a public consultation on how best to tackle gender-based and domestic violence. The views gathered during the consultation will feed into a legislative initiative announced in the Gender Equality Strategy expected by the end of this year. Violence against women and girls is one of the most persistent forms of gender discrimination and violation of human rights in Europe. In the EU, 33% of women are victims of physical and/or sexual violence. Domestic violence against women and other victims (such as children, men and the elderly) has increased due to containment measures linked to the COVID-19 pandemic. The public consultation aims to bring together the views of a wide range of stakeholders such as members of the general public, academics, business and employee representatives, NGOs, media organisations and public authorities. Therefore, we strongly invite you to participate in this public consultation by filling in a questionnaire which is available here.

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