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Monitoring the implementation of the Code of conduct on countering hate speech online

Ex ante publicity for negotiated procedure for middle value contrat (ref. JUST/2020/RRAC/PR/RIGH/0088)

Deadline:  30/09/2020

The Commission is evaluating the progress on the implementation of IT Companies as regards the commitments provided by the Code of Conduct on countering illegal hate speech online. The contract aims at monitoring online illegal hate speech. The contractor shall monitor IT Companies/social media platforms and notify to them cases deemed as illegal hate speech according to national criminal law transposing the EU legislation on combatting racism and xenophobia. The contractor should also track the follow up given by the social media platforms to the notifications (e.g. removal of content), record and compile all the data and report to the Commission at the end of each monitoring period. The contract envisages the realisation of three monitoring exercises of the duration of six weeks each, focused on publicly available content available on social media platforms in 21 EU countries and correspondent languages. The monitoring exercises could be spread over a higher number of monitoring phases, involving a lower number of countries, depending on policy priorities.


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