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How to convey child-friendly information to children in migration

The Council of Europe published on December 2018 the Handbook: “How to convey child-friendly information to children in migration: a handbook for frontline professionals”.

date:  18/12/2018

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This manual was developed to help professionals and volunteers who interact with migrant and refugee children to communicate in a child-friendly way about their rights and the procedures affecting them.

Through this handbook, professionals and volunteers will understand how to apply international children’s rights in national contexts. The concrete steps outlined in this guide explore how professionals and volunteers can serve the best interests of the child by ensuring the  child’s right to information and their right to be heard are effective.

Migrant and refugee children continue to be one of the most vulnerable groups in Europe today. Access to information has repeatedly been found to be inadequate, with the consequence that children and teenagers cannot access their rights or understand the procedures affecting them.

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