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REC programme - 2017 calls for proposals: new projects funded!

Take a look at the new projects funded in the framework of 2017 calls for proposals under the REC programme!

date:  20/01/2019


REC programme – 2017 calls for proposals:


Three projects were selected following the call for proposals to improve the inclusion of mobile EU citizens and their political and societal participation:

  1. Project SPACEU2019: Helping mobile EU citizens to exercise their political rights in European Parliamentary Elections 2019
  2. Project IMPEU: Improving Inclusion of EU Mobile Citizens
  3. Project APPROACH: Connceting EU mobile citizens with their welcoming cities

Abstracts of these projects have been published on the funding & tender opportunities portal.


The following projects were selected following the call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children:

Priority 1: Prevention of gender-based violence

  1. Project SVEP PROGRAM: Sexual Violence – Educational and Prevention Program
  2. Project DECIDES EUROPE: Preventing Gender-Based Violence, the Youth's Outlook
  3. Project FAIRY TALES: The Hidden gender messages in fairy tales – Let’s read the fairy tales up-side down
  4. Project LETS CHANGE: sustainable prevention of female genital mutilation through training of professionals by community experts and community empowerment
  5. Project GENDER ABC: School education programme on gender equality, gender-based violence and harmful practices
  6. Project GEM (Gender Equality Matters): Tackling Gender-based Violence
  7. Project EKFFVEU: Preventing GBV by challenging stereotypical masculinity - a whole-system approach
  8. Project CYBERSAFE: Changing Attitudes among teenagers on Cyber Violence against Women and Girls
  9. Project PARENT: Promotion, Awareness Raising and Engagement of men in Nurture Transformations
  10. Project YOUTH FOR LOVE


Priority 2: Protection and support for victims of gender-based violence and violence against children

  1. Project FSEPS: Families: Social Exclusion and Places of Safety
  2. Project WE GO2: Building economic independence:  the way out of intimate partner violence
  3. Project ALERT ACTORS REPORT: A protective environment for children to live free from sexual exploitation in the travel/tourism/hospitality sector
  4. Project BRIDGE: Building Relationships through Innovative Development of Gender Based Violence Awareness in Europe
  5. Project HELPLINE: How Expertise Leads to Prevention, Learning, Identification, Networking and Ending GBV
  6. Project CAN-MDS II: Coordinated Response to Child Abuse and Neglect via a Minimum Data Set: from planning to practice  'CAN-MDS II'
  7. Project VIVIEN: VIctim VIolence Educational Network. An educational project to improve the ability to assist women victim of violence
  8. Project EFFECTIVE POLICE: protection of victims and witnesses of violence
  9. Project IJCC: Improving Justice in Child Contact: Children affected by domestic violence
  10.  Project FIRST: Finding, Investigating, Redress and Support
  11. Project GB-VSO: Victim Support Online- Improving Support Structures for Victims of Gender Based Violence
  12. Project PROCHILD: PROtection and support of abused CHILDren through multidisciplinary intervention
  13. Project POAM: Protection of Abducting Mothers in Return Proceedings: Intersection between Domestic Violence and Parental Child Abduction
  14. Project GUFOVA: Growing Up Free of Violence and Abuse - working to build resilience and strengthen children who have lived with domestic violence


Priority 3: The coordination and/or adaptation of support services for sexual and gender-based violence to include refugees and migrants (children, women, LGBTQI persons, young men and boys)

  1. Project EMPOWER_REF: Empowering professional and refugee communities to detect, identify, address and prevent sexual and gender based violence in Greece
  2. Project WE ACT: Empowering Women and childrEn in the migrant population to take ACTion against sexual and gender-based violence
  3. Project BASE: Migrant and refugee child-friendly support services in cases of sexual and gender-based violence
  4. Project SURVIVOR: Enhancing Services for Refugee and Migrant GBV Survivors
  5. Project MED-RES: MEDiterranean reception systems’ coordinated RESponse for people in migration (PiM) victims of SGBV
  6. Project ACCESS: Appropriate Community-Based Care and Empowering Support Services for Migrants Affected by Gender Based Violence
  7. Project PROTECT: Preventing SGBV against migrants and strengthening support to victims


Priority 4: Treatment of perpetrators

  1. Project PR.O.T.E.C.T.: PreventiOn, assessment and Treatment of sex offenders. A network to ExChange good practices and develop innovaTion at EU level
  2. Project CONSCIOUS: An inter-systemic model for preventing reoffending by perpetrators guilty of sexual abuse and domestic violence
  3. Project A.S.A.P.: A Systemic Approach for Perpetrators
  4. Project VIDACS: Violent Dads in Child Shoes


Priority 5: National coordinating frameworks or action plans for violence against children (supporting Member States and other actors)

No proposals were selected.

Abstracts of all funded projects have been published on the funding & tender opportunities portal.


The following projects were selected following the restricted call for proposals to address gender gaps over the lifecycle:

  1. Project TRAPEZ: Transparent Pension Future - Securing women's economic independence in old age
  2. Project BMFSFJ: Pay Gap, Care Gap, Pension Gap: Interlinking Key Gender Gaps for Germany for monitoring Gender Equality and taking action
  3. Project PGEI: Prepare the Ground for Economic Independence
  4. Project MY WORK.MY PENSION: Make informed decisions over the whole life cycle
  5. Project FIPROPEGE: Promoting gender equality in pensions
  6. Project PEGASUS: Addressing the Gender Pension Gap in Greece
  7. Project GPPG: "Equal rights – Equal pay – Equal pensions"  Expanding  the scope of implementation of gender equality actions and legal standards towards achieving gender equality and combating poverty in Croatia
  8. Project GENDER GAP: Reduction of Gender Pay Gap
  9. Project CL.E.A.R.: CLosing the gEnder pension gAp by increasing women's awaReness
  10. Project INWEGE: Income, wealth and gender: study and practical web tool for understanding gender pay and pension gaps in Estonia - the country with biggest gender pay gap in EU
  11. Project GENPENSGAP: Income Gap over the life cycle: an analysis of firm effects and pension reforms
  12. Project MIGAPE: Mind the Gap in Pensions; Simulation and knowledge dissemination on gender gaps, their underlying causes, and how they could be reduced


Abstracts of these projects have been published on the funding & tender opportunities portal.


The following projects were selected following the restricted call for proposals to ensure the highest level of protection of privacy and personal data:

  1. Project RAPID.SI: Raising Awareness on Data Protection and the GDPR in Slovenia
  2. Project RGPD ACADEMY: to protect your data, you'd better be trained
  3. Project INFORMATION CAMPAIGN: Helping SMEs and the general public understand their rights and obligations under the GDPR with targeted information through focused communication channels
  4. Project SOLPRIPA: Solving privacy paradox: promoting high standards of data protection as a fundamental right and central factor of consumer trust in digital economy
  5. Project SMEDATA: Ensuring the Highest Degree of Privacy and Personal Data Protection through Innovative Tools for SMEs and Citizens
  6. Project HRC: GDPR campaign for high risk SMEs in Belgium
  7. Project DPC: Privacy and GDPR awareness campaign for citizens in Belgium
  8. Project AP VOORLICHTING 2018: Voorlichtingscampagne AVG Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens MKB, algemeen publiek en jongeren
  9. Project AWARENESS: The Icelandic Data Protection Authority's Awareness-raising project - 2018 Data Protection Reform
  10. Project DPSME: General Data Protection Regulation – possibilities and responsibilities for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs); rights and risks for minors
  11. Project STAR II: SupporT small And medium enterprises on the data protection Reform II


Abstracts of these projects have been published on the funding & tender opportunities portal.

If you are interested in other topics, you can find all the calls for proposals that have been published since 2015 on the funding & tenders portal (click here for the Justice programme and here for the REC programme). To see the summaries of the selected projects, click on a specific call, then on ‘Topic conditions and documents’ and scroll down to the ‘Additional documents’ section.


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