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Slovenia: The Launch of Diversity Charter Slovenia

The Diversity Charter Slovenia was launched, as the 20th European diversity charter, on the 14th of November 2017. The ceremony was held under the honorary patronage of his excellency Mr.Borut Pahor, the President of the Republic of Slovenia.

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Tackling discrimination

date:  01/03/2018

author:  Barbara Zupancic, coordinator of Diversity Charter Slovenia


It was launched by the Slovenian partnership initiative from Dobrovita Ltd., Institute Sentprima, SKUP with the help of Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities in the Republic of Slovenia,  Association of Contractors of Vocational Rehabilitation in the Republic of Slovenia, CNVOS - Centre for Information Service, Co-operation and Development of NGOs and Association of Employers of Slovenia.

The event was attended by more than 80 participants from business organisations (big, SMS, micro), civil society organisations, public, private and NGO sector.

Opening remarks  were  given by dr. Zoran Stančič, Head of the European Commission Representation in Slovenia who stressed that for Europe, it has never been as important as today to create the best conditions for increasing the quality of life of our people, to increase our competitiveness, to upgrade the knowledge of our workforce and to stimulate smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. European Diversity Charters are key for promotion of good corporate diversity practices  in Europe. He stressed that trend of taking into account diversity issues and promoting them, both between businesses and public authorities, is growing. The Charters also ensure that companies are committed to promoting equality and diversity. The Commission is and will promote this ever more important Movement of the Charter of Diversity, for this they created the EU platform for the Charters of Diversity who share knowledge, good business practices and develop tools for supporting businesses and public institutions in managing diversity in their organisations.

The second opening remarks were given by Vlasta Nussdorfer, Slovenian Ombudsman, who said that diversity is that you know and can integrate different people, that you are able to understand them and let them speak and live. The inclusion is not only good for them, but also for all society, including people working with them in the workplace.

Round table followed with discussants dr.Neža Kogovšek, director of Peace Institute Slovenia, dr.Sonja Merljak Zdovc, journalist, slovenian finalist for European Journalist Award on Diversity, Nevenka Oštarjaš, Head of human resource management in IBM Slovenia, and Barbara Zupančič, coordinator of Diversity Charter SLovenia.

The charter was signed by big, SMSs and small enterprises, from private and public sector.

59 companies that employ together 9242 people signed the Diversity Charter Slovenia, including some of the biggest and best known in Slovenia - LEK (Sandoz company),  IBM Slovenia, Oracle Slovenia, AquafilSLO Ltd, Atlantic Grupa, BMW, RLS, University Rehabilitation Institute, Republic of Slovenia, Studio Moderna and many others.

Diversity Charter Slovenia is one of the outcomes of a project I.D.E.A.S. (Innovation. Diversity. Economy. Awareness. Success.) – Implementation of Diverstiy Charters of Slovenia, Croatia and Romania, co-funded by the Justice Programme of the European Union.

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