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Public consultation on long-term and sustainable investment


date:  18/12/2015 - 31/03/2016

ContactResponsible service: European Comm...

Policy field(s)

Justice and fundamental rights, company law

Who can reply to this consultation?

All citizens, organisations and public authorities are welcome to contribute to this consultation 

Period of consultation

From 18 December 2015 until 31 March 2016

Purpose of the consultation

Fostering growth and investment is one of European Commission's top priorities.

To maintain and extend its competitiveness, Europe needs significant new long-term and sustainable investment. These can also help achieve the EU's policy objectives linked to the transition to low carbon and climate resilient economy and promote environmentally and socially sustainable wealth creation, including respect for fundamental rights.

The Communication on Long-Term Financing of the European Economy emphasized the importance of environmental, social, governance issues for the longer-term sustainable performance of companies and investors. The Action Plan on building a Capital Markets Union also reiterates the importance of ESG investments.

This consultation seeks to gather information on how institutional investors, asset managers and other service providers in the investment chain factor in sustainability (ESG) information and performance of companies or assets into investment decisions. The consultation will also gather information about possible obstacles to long-term, sustainable investment.

The results of this consultation will be used by the Commission to assess the state of play in this field. A feedback document outlining the overall results of the consultation will be made public.

How to submit your contribution

You can contribute to this public consultation by filling out the online questionnaire on the EU survey website. At the end of the questionnaire you can also upload a separate document with your additional comments.

The Contributions received will be published on the Internet. It is important to read the specific privacy statement attached to this consultation for information on how your personal data and contribution will be used.View the consultation document.

In the interest of transparency, the Commission asks organisations that wish to submit comments in the context of public consultations to provide the Commission and the public at large with information about whom and what they represent by registering in the TRANSPARENCY REGISTER and subscribing to its CODE OF CONDUCT. If an organisation decides not to provide this information, it is the Commission's stated policy to list the contribution as part of the individual contributions. (Consultation Standards, see COM (2002) 704, and Communication on ETI Follow-up, see COM (2007) 127 of 21/03/2007).

If you are a registered organisation, please indicate your Register ID number when replying to the online questionnaire. Your contribution will then be considered as representative of the views of your organisation.

If your organisation is not registered, you have the opportunity to REGISTER NOW. Then you can return to this page and submit your contribution as a registered organisation.


Data Protection Disclaimer

Received contributions, together with the identity of the contributor, will be published on the Internet, unless the contributor objects to publication of the personal data on the grounds that such publication would harm his or her legitimate interests. In this case the contribution may be published in anonymous form. Otherwise the contribution will not be published nor will, in principle, its content be taken into account.

For further information on privacy rulings for this public consultation see the following:

Related Justice

Civil Justice
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