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New insight from non-energy domains

date:  27/04/2023

The Africa Knowledge Platform is a living website, continuously growing its content. Since the last issue of the AKP Newsletter, 30 new datasets have been added, bringing the total to 264. New datasets include development corridors and mobile connectivity

There are also 3 brand new tools: 

  • The Conservation Analyst, which prioritises conservation lands based on user-selected variables for biodiversity, ecosystem services and habitat intactness. 
  • The Global Development Data Tool (GDDT), which supplies social, economic, and environmental data at global, regional, and national levels. The GDDT tool is currently accessible to EU stafe through the AKP. 
  • The Carbon stocks of individual trees in African drylands Tool, which contains spatial and statistical information of about 10 billion individual trees in the Sahel to support ecological protection, carbon accounting, climate mitigation and restoration efforts of dryland ecosystems. 

The AKP released a new narrative (“Turning ideas into opportunities”) showcasing a pilot study focused on the Partnership on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA). This study has been carried out in the context of the AU-EU Research Innovation agenda, the research and innovation partnership between Europe and Africa (Joint Africa-EU Strategy), which aims to translate creative ideas and capacities into tangible outputs. The FNSSA pilot could be used as a model for other pillar areas of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda – e.g. public health and sustainable energy – on how to close the gap between ideas and opportunities. 

AKP narratives are now also accessible from the JRC Digital Media Hub, using the Tool/Game Type filter, in addition to the AKP Stories section.

Finally, subscription to AKP Newsletter is now possible from the AKP main page.