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Africa Knowledge Platform news

December 2022

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In this issue
Supporting biodiversity policy through the Africa Knowledge Platform
Quote To succeed, initiatives like NaturAfrica must integrate science and policy across various themes, not just ecology.

This issue of the African Knowledge Platform (AKP) newsletter shines a spotlight on biodiversity.

The 4th Pillar of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 calls for an ambitious global biodiversity agenda. This Strategy aims to deploy EU external actions to improve governance, trade policy, resource mobilisation, and international cooperation. For example, the EU doubled its external funding for biodiversity for 2021-2027 to €7 billion.

At the centre of these efforts in Africa is NaturAfrica, an initiative to protect wildlife and key ecosystems while offering development opportunities in green sectors for local populations (e.g., nature-based businesses, non-timber forest products, sustainable rangeland management and agro-pastoral value chains).

To succeed, initiatives like NaturAfrica must integrate science and policy across various themes, not just ecology. The European Commission offers products dedicated to biodiversity, such as the Knowledge Centre for Biodiversity, DOPA (Digital Observatory for Protected Areas), and BIOPAMA (Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management Programme). The AKP complements these specialist portals by providing a unique single-entry point for diverse data, tailored to the African context, needed by a modern multidisciplinary initiative like NaturAfrica. In addition to geographic data on protected areas, habitats, and priority landscapes, the AKP also serves data on human settlements, livestock densities, and opportunities for viewing large game species.

The multidisciplinary character of NaturAfrica embodies larger global trends around biodiversity. As the global community comes together this week at COP 15 in Montreal to finalise the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, they will expand their ambition beyond plants and animals. The EU is central to these international negotiations with the aim of raising the level of ambitions globally, particularly in Africa.

Although the draft Framework’s 2030 Action Targets cover traditional conservation issues – like protected areas, ecological restoration, sustainable harvesting and eradicating invasive species – they also encompass themes beyond the natural environment. This includes the integration of biodiversity into development processes and poverty reduction in the public and private sectors (Target 14) and a shift towards full sustainability of extraction and production practices (Target 15).

This newsletter draw attention to how the Africa Knowledge Platform can support the European Commission’s efforts around biodiversity. This includes participating in important events in the annual biodiversity calendar, tailoring biodiversity information for the African context, and summarising some of the latest scientific research from the Joint Research Centre.

What we've been up to
IUCN Africa Protected Areas Congress

Meeting the who's-who of African protected areas

Quote This meeting was the first post-pandemic opportunity to meet with African partners

The Africa Knowledge Platform Team attended the IUCN Africa Protected Areas Congress (APAC) in Kigali, Rwanda, during July. This meeting was the first post-pandemic opportunity to meet with African partners, so participants made use of every moment. In addition to taking part in the congress – which resulted in the APAC Kigali Call for Action – JRC scientists stayed on after the meeting to deliver training on the Integrated Management Effectiveness Tool (IMET) at Akagera National Park, one of Rwanda’s best managed protected areas. IMET is a great example of how JRC have developed tools to provide evidence to support decision making around a policy priority in Africa – helping to understand what works in protected areas and how they can be supported to achieve biodiversity and socio-economic goals. IMET has now been implemented across several hundred protected areas in Africa.

African Association of Remote Sensing and the Environment

Space and geospatial technologies for the Africa we want

Quote It remains the most comprehensive continental earth observation and geospatial science conference designed for interactions between African and International experts

Activities from the Africa Knowledge Platform, BIOPAMA and GMES and Africa were presented at the AARSE 2022 international conference organized by the African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment and held in Kigali, Rwanda on the 24th-28th October 2022. This offered an opportunity to engage with African and international communities to strengthen a partnership network that could help build the AKP in the future. The event also helped promote the use of Earth Observation data and services in Africa to respond to policy needs, build capacity, establish spatial data infrastructure and use standardised technologies and protocols. The GMES and Africa Program organised a side event together with the African Geomatics Professionals Network aiming at training 20 young African entrepreneurs on how to develop their businesses.

Group on Earth Observations - GEO Week

Global action for local impact

Quote Topics on the agenda included operational services for Africa, national climate adaptation plans, nature based solutions and GEO’s post 2025 strategy.

The Africa Knowledge Platform and BIOPAMA team attended the GEO Week 2022, held in Accra, Ghana from 31 October to 04 November. The event focused on the theme ‘Global Action for Local Impact’ and showcased how global collaboration is accelerating the use of Earth Observations to support actions around biodiversity loss, climate change, the ocean, nature-based solutions and food security. The GMES and Africa Programme Coordinator underlines the need for more synergies among EO programs in Africa and a critical mass of human capital.

European Business and Nature Summit

Changing the way we measure business success

Quote Biodiversity loss is bad for business. We rely on nature for natural resources that we use in the economy and more than half of the global GDP depends on nature and its services.

The Knowledge Centre for Biodiversity includes a dedicated section on biodiversity financing listing EU actions, publications, resources, news and events. Mid-October at the European Business and Nature Summit, European businesses joined the European Commission and partner organisations advocating for an ambitious outcome of the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15) to be held in Montreal in December 2022. They discussed how companies and financial institutions can contribute ‘in practice’ to achieving the objectives of the future Global Biodiversity Framework.

Ecological Connectivity - Insights for post-2020 indicators

Measuring ecological connectivity

Quote Understanding the conceptual issues in defining and measuring connectivity in the post-2020 global biodiversity framework and in national policies.

In the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, the EU and its Member States committed to implementing more than 100 actions by 2030. The EU Biodiversity Strategy Actions Tracker and the Indicator Dashboard are designed to track progress in the implementation of actions, including EU external actions and of its ambitious global biodiversity agenda. Last October, a webinar was organised by the JRC on connectivity and protection effectiveness, this is relevant to the Biodiversity Strategy Target 3 under pillar 1 on nature protection, and to pillar 4 on global biodiversity.

KCEO Stakeholder Workshop on Biodiversity and Earth Observation

Support EU biodiversity policies

Quote The KCEO is currently running a deep dive assessment on biodiversity, to analyse EU policy needs in the biodiversity domain.

On the 16th November, a stakeholder workshop on Biodiversity and Earth Observation was organised by the Knowledge Centre for Earth Observation. As a follow-up of the panel discussions on policy needs and existing technologies and opportunities, a report on this biodiversity deep dive assessment will be published on the first quarter of 2023. It will include a case study on the use of Earth Observation in Zambia.

What’s new on the platform
The latest biodiversity information

The sheer amount of cutting-edge biodiversity content on the Africa Knowledge Platform is truly too much to list here. A good starting point would be to use custom filters to find the information you need:

Among the newest latest datasets added to the platform are species richness maps for threatened sharks and rays in Africa’s coastal regions (among a collection of species data from the IUCN from land and seas); carbon stocks in vegetation litter (among a suite of datasets on the carbon stocks from various sources); and high resolution habitat maps that align with the species’ habitat requirements from the IUCN Red List.

The platform also includes deep-dive stories that present geospatial data as accessible policy-relevant narratives. While biodiversity information is featured in several narrative, it is most prominent in the following stories:

  • Nature: an economic asset – which makes the case for biodiversity-based economic development in Africa
  • More than paper parks – which describes efforts to improve the effectiveness of marine protected areas, particularly in the Indian Ocean.
  • Engaging communities in land planning – which showcases how geospatial data can support participatory landuse planning in a way that benefits biodiversity, climate and people.
  • Life Cycle Thinking for our Food – which explores the global footprint of or food consumption through a case study on the impact of cocoa consumption on deforestation in west Africa.

The partners section of the Africa Knowledge Platform provides a curated list of institutions that have collaborated with the Joint Research Centre, including key partners on the BIOPAMA project.

Finally, the Africa Knowledge Platform hosts interactive tools on Key Biodiversity Areas, areas of global importance for the persistence of biodiversity; as well eConservation, a tool for tracking financial investments in biodiversity conservation.

Scientific insights
The Commission's science footprint in Africa

The European Commission has a long scientific history with Africa, so the AKP team produced a Science for Policy Report tracking the production, collaboration, and thematic focus of this history.

Protecting evolutionary potential

A new pre-print from the JRC describes the opportunities created by considering genetic and phylogenetic diversity in the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.

Water for clean energy

New multidisciplinary research from the JRC shows how a shift to low-carbon energy systems in Africa will affect water withdrawals and water consumption by 2065.

Scientific storytelling

A feature of the AKP is its deep-dive narratives. A new paper describes the rationale behind these narratives and how they complement the JRC’s work on raw materials in Africa

What to look out for
UN Biodiversity Conference
COP15 to the Convention on Biological Diversity (including side-events on the proposed Global Knowledge Centre for Biodiversity on 07 December and the Science-Policy Forum for Biodiversity on 11-12 December)
permalink Main URL
date 07/12/2022 - 19/12/2022
venue Montreal, Canada
Organiser United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity
31st International Congress on Conservation Biology (Call for contributions)
Call for proposals for Symposia, Workshops, Roundtable Discussion and Training Courses is now open for the meeting scheduled for 23-27 July 2023.
permalink Main URL
date 05/12/2022 - 19/01/2023
venue Kigali, Rwanda
Organiser Society for Conservation Biology
Biodiversity and Earth Observation
A biodiversity deep-dive assessment report will be published from the Stakeholder Workshop held on Biodiversity and Earth Observation during November 2022 (including a case study on the use of Earth Observation in Zambia)
permalink Main URL
date 20/02/2023 - 31/03/2023
venue Virtual
Organiser Knowledge Centre on Earth Observation
2nd International Conference on Biodiversity in the Congo Basin
The conference addresses issues related to preserving the natural environment of the Congo Basin, linked to biodiversity, health, climate and resilient social ecological systems. Links to the post-2020 global biodiversity framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity and to the Sustainable Development Goals will be emphasised.
permalink Main URL
date 06/03/2023 - 10/03/2023
venue Kisangani, DRC
Organiser Congo Basin Forest Partnership

This is an edition of the newsletter published by the Africa Knowledge Platform managed by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre.

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ISSN: ISSN 2600-5409