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The first CoP on Cities online plenary was a success!

We held our online CoP on cities plenary meeting last month on April 28th.

We were joined, by almost 80 members and learned of current and new developments related to cities from within the European Commission (DG REGIO, DG RTD, DG CNCT, DG MOVE), as well as from Eurocities, CEMR, and EUKN . This was a great opportunity to exchange information on current initiatives and identify synergies for future collaborations, including the upcoming Urban Observatory and the City Science Initiative.

date:  26/05/2021

We would like to thank all those who participated in the event and helped make it a success. You can access all presentations and materials from the plenary here.

 We also used the occasion to ask participants:

 (1) what they would like to get out of the CoP-Cities - Overall members expected that it supports the generation of knowledge and promotion of transversal cooperation between science, policy and practitioners, providing a forum to interact on urban issues at EU level and highlighting new information, methodologies and opportunities.

 (2) what relevant urban issues the CoP-Cities should focus on in the future


We look forward to our next event in September where we will present our latest batch of policy briefs investigating Shrinking cities”, "Urban-Peripheral interactions" and "Cities Fit for the Digital Age". We will send more information on this event, including the registration link, in the next newsletter issue.