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Community of Practice on Cities

Follow-up on the COP-CITIES plenary

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Dear members of the Community of Practice on Cities,

Thank you to all of you who attended the plenary meeting on the 28th of April.

Please find below an overview of the Plenary meeting with links to presentations given by each speaker. Additional notes from speakers and the results of the Slido questions are available here.

A recording of the event was made for internal purposes and can be made available upon request.

We are currently following up on on your suggestions and any additional comments are welcome at

Please also let us know (by 21st May) if you have any upcoming events or projects you would like to publish in our next newsletter, foreseen for 28th May.

We look forward to your continuating cooperation in the future.

Kind regards,

The CoP Cities editorial Team.


Opening [Moderator: Mart Grisel – EUKN]

*Brief welcome to the session and technical aspects of the meeting

Word of welcome [Mikel Landabaso – DG JRC]

*Official opening by our director of Innovation and Growth (JRC Directorate B)

Updates from CoP-Cities Members

*Each speaker updated on activities relevant to the CoP from their organisation.

EUKN [Mart Grisel]

DG REGIO [Laura Hagemann, co-chair of the CoP-Cities]

DG RTD [Marie Yeroyanni]

Presentation available here

DG CNCT [Niorin Ni Earcain]

Presentation available here

DG MOVE [Luana Bidasca]

Presentation available here

Eurocities [Masha Smirnova]

CEMR Nathalie Noupadja, Head of Research and studies

Presentation available here

Towards an Urban Observatory [Carlo Lavalle, DG JRC]

Presentation available here

Supporting document on the Urban Observatory available here

Citiy Science Initiative [Javier Gomez, DG JRC, Chair: Caroline Nevejan, City of Amsterdam]

Introduction and City of Hamburg –Jacob Thomas - presentation here

Presentation of the CSI Pilot report 2020 here

City of Trieste – Carlotta Cesco

Concluding Remarks [Alessandro Rainoldi, DG JRC]

*Closing of the session, with forward-looking remarks


document 28 04 2021_CEMR presentation_J...  (442 KB)
document 20210428 CNECT Living-in.EU Co...  (2.04 MB)
document CoPCities_Plenary_CSI_Intro_an...  (1.21 MB)
document CoPCities_Plenary_UrbanObserva...  (889 KB)
document CSI_2020report_presentation_R1  (2.75 MB)
document DG_MOVE_Presentation  (1.52 MB)
document CoP-CITIES_Plenary_full_notes  (1,003 KB)

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